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TASK 1 -5 : History Matching/Groundwater Model Validation <br /> Post sensitivity analysis, PBS&J proposes to conduct a history matching/validation study based on data <br /> collected in Task 1 - 1 . Generally, Task 1 -5 will be used to evaluate how suitable the constructed model <br /> will be in predicting groundwater flow patterns and groundwater transport based on available data within <br /> a time period that was not used during model calibration . Task 1 -5 is intended to evaluate how robust or <br /> rigid the calibrated model is . <br /> TASK 1 -6: SEAWAT Configuration <br /> SEAWAT-2000 is the latest release of the U. S . Geological Survey SEAWAT computer program for <br /> simulation of three-dimensional , variable-density, transient ground-water flow in porous media. <br /> SEAWAT-2000 was designed by combining a modified version of MODFLOW-2000 and MT3DMS into <br /> a single computer program. The model is typically used to evaluate systems which have the potential for <br /> saltwater intrusion. PBS&J proposes to design a SEAWAT model based on the results of Tasks 1 - 1 <br /> through 1 -5. <br /> TASK 1 -7: MODFLOW/SEAWAT Simulations <br /> PBS&J proposes to use SEAWAT to simulate and evaluate potential impacts from existing groundwater <br /> withdrawals and proposed groundwater withdrawals on an individual and cumulative basis. <br /> TASK 1 -8 : Reporting <br /> Tasks 1 - 1 through 1 -7 will be documented as a single report and presented to the client for draft review <br /> prior to submission to SJRWMD. The report will address each task individually and thoroughly explain <br /> the process and/or findings . PBS&J will provide the data input files for the models used to respond to the <br /> District ' s request for information upon request. This task will answer question 8 of the RAI. <br /> TASK 2 : The Addressing Of Demand Projections Based On Expected Population <br /> PBS&J will review the projections presented in the original application in comparison of the BEBR <br /> growth rates. PBS&J will contact the District to address the specific concerns and recalculate both <br /> population and demand for the County for the expected permit life until 2017. In this effort, PBS&J will <br /> address question 9 by resubmitting Tables 1 and 2 of the original application along with a Technical <br /> Memorandum explaining how the new demand projections were made. Finally, PBS&J will meet with <br /> IRC Staff including the Planning Division to have them review the projections. <br /> TASK 3 : The Preparation Of A Water Conservation Plan . <br /> PBS&J will prepare the Water Conservation Plan Form for Public Supply, including the requisite water <br /> audit. PBS&J will meet with County staff to gather appropriate information with regards to facilities and <br /> billing. It is assumed that the County ' s billing system will be able to provide a majority of the required <br /> information. However, some additional effort has been assumed in case said billing system cannot <br /> provide the required information in a timely fashion. <br /> PBS&J will prepare a summarized request for information to the County with regards to the Water <br /> Conservation Plan so that an efficient means of gathering the information from appropriate County staff <br /> can be determined and then implemented . Wherever possible, PBS&J will use available public data from <br /> the County' s website and PBS&J ' s files to identify programs for the completion of the Plan. <br /> Page 4 of 5 <br />