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Lighting Management Program for Indian River County <br /> Purpose : To implement a light management program for publicly-owned lights in Indian <br /> River County that will significantly reduce the harmful effects of artificial lighting on sea <br /> turtles. <br /> Background : Indian River County is a high-density nesting beach for loggerhead turtles <br /> and also supports nesting by green and leatherback turtles. In 2004, Hurricanes Jeanne <br /> and Francis destroyed dunes and dune vegetation throughout the County. Dunes and <br /> dune vegetation previously provided a buffer for artificial lights that may affect the <br /> ability of adult and hatchling sea turtles to properly orient. Hurricane damage resulted in <br /> an increase in light trespass onto the County' s beaches and a concomitant increase in sea <br /> turtle disorientation events. Many of the lights that appear to be responsible for light <br /> trespass are publicly owned lights in unincorporated Indian River County and the City of <br /> Vero Beach. Funding is needed to work with the utility authorities to modify or replace <br /> publicly-owned lights so they will not have a negative impact on sea turtles . <br /> Program Objectives : The proposed Light Management Program for publicly-owned <br /> lights in Indian River County has three major objectives : identification of problem lights <br /> (Tasks 1 -3 ), modification of problem lights (Tasks 4-8), and assessment of program <br /> success (Task 9) . <br /> Program Scope: The proposed Light Management Program for Indian River County <br /> will be conducted in six phases. Each phase will consist of one or more tasks as listed <br /> below : <br /> Phase I <br /> Task 1 . Conduct a daytime survey of all publicly-owned lighting fixtures <br /> along Indian River County' s coastline to identify all publicly-owned lights <br /> that present a potential problem to sea turtles. Evaluate existing lighting <br /> problems at night and assign each light a Problem Code based on the extent to <br /> which it illuminates the beach. <br /> Task 2. Prepare a list of problem lights. <br /> Task 3. Determine appropriate and cost-effective means for correcting all <br /> potential and identified problem lights. <br /> Phase II <br /> Task 4. Work with appropriate utility authorities to modify lights so they will <br /> not impact turtles. <br /> Task 5. To encourage utilities to correct problem lights in a timely manner, <br /> the County will pay for, or supplement the cost of, proposed modifications. <br /> Phase III <br /> Task 6. Conduct follow-up nighttime lighting evaluations after lights have <br /> been modified to assess the effectiveness of modifications. Assign each light a <br /> Problem Code. <br /> Phase IV <br /> Task 7. After follow-up lighting evaluations, it may be necessary to further <br /> modify some lights. Meet with appropriate utility authorities to coordinate <br /> further modifications. <br />