<br />The Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County, Florida, met at the Court-
<br />house in Vero Beach, Florida, in a regular meeting at 9:00 o'clock A. M., June 4, 1957. All
<br />CI members were present, also present were Sherman N. Smith, Jr., Attorney, Edwin S. Schmucker,
<br />o
<br />new Superintendent of Roads and E. E. Carter, resigning Superintendent of Roads, Douglas Baker,
<br />Clerk and Katherine Morrison, Secretary.
<br />The Chairman asked if there were any changes or additions to be made to the minutes.
<br />j There being none and upon motion made by Commissioner Robert W. Graves, seconded by W. C.
<br />Graves, Jr. and unanimously carried, minutes of May 7th regular meeting were approved as read.
<br />Forrest McCullers, County Agent, appeared before the Board and submitted a budget
<br />for his office for the coming fiscal year, which was put aside until they take up the matter
<br />a
<br />of the new budget.
<br />g Homer C. Fletcher, Tax Assessor, appeared before the Board and requested an extension
<br />I of time for submission of the 1957 tax roll, said extension was granted upon Motion made by
<br />w Commissioner W. C. Graves, Jr., seconded by D. B. McCullers, Jr., and unanimously carried.
<br />RESOLUTION --- Equalization of -1957 Tax Roll
<br />Extension until July 22, 1957. g
<br />WHEREAS, the Tax Assessor of Indian River County, Florida, has appeared before this
<br />Board and advised the Board that because of the numerous changes in ownerships and changes
<br />!li in values of real property in Indian River County, Florida, during the past year, that the tax
<br />assessment rolls of said County will not be by the first Monday in July, 1957; Now,
<br />prepared
<br />Therefore,
<br />BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners that the time for submission of
<br />said tax roll and the time of the equalization meeting of this Board on said tax roll for the
<br />q g
<br />year 1957 is herewith extended to July 22, 1957.
<br />� - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -
<br />Ben Potter, Junk dealer from Fort Pierce appeared before the Board and stated that
<br />u he would like to buy the junk stored around out at the County Barn. After some discussion in
<br />s
<br />the matter and upon Motion made by Commissioner W. C. Graves, Jr., seconded by Commissioner
<br />McCullers and unanimously carried, the Board requested that the Superintendent of Roads and
<br />the Foreman should go through the junk, keep that which would be of some use to the County
<br />and then advertise the balance for sale.
<br />° Reverend Owen of Wabasso appeared before the Board with a petition having some 62
<br />names and requesting that U. S. Highway #1 from Wabasso to Winter Beach be left along the
<br />ilp
<br />SIN present right of way. Upon motion made by Commissioner W. C. Graves, Jr., seconded by Comm -
<br />'iia
<br />r' issioner Robert Graves and unanimously carried, the Board decided since this had been the re-
<br />commendation of the State Road Department, they would leave the right of way as is.
<br />Mr. George Elms representing the Florida National Bank at Vero Beach, appeared before
<br />the Board and requested a share of the County's deposits, Upon Motion made by Commissioner
<br />McCullers, seconded by Commissioner W. C. Graves, Jr. and unanimously carried, the Board re-
<br />commended giving the Florida National Bank at Vero Beach a fair division of the funds and de-
<br />