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DR-512 <br /> R. 05/88 <br /> NOTICE TO TAX COLLECTOR OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED <br /> TO : Tax Collector of Indian River County: <br /> In accordance with the Florida Statutes , INDIAN RIVER COUNTY , holder of the following tax <br /> sale certificate hereby surrender same to the Tax Collector and make tax deed application <br /> thereon : <br /> CERTIFICATE NO . DATE LEGAL DESCRIPTION <br /> 2003= 1270 05-29-2003 32-39-27-00004=0020-00008 . 0 <br /> NORTH GIFFORD HEIGHTS SUB <br /> BLK 2 LOT 8 PBI 3=51 <br /> agree to pay all delinquent taxes , redeem all outstanding tax certificates not in my possession , <br /> pay any omitted taxes , and pay current taxes , if due , covering the land , and pay any interest <br /> earned ( a ) on tax certificates not in my possession , ( b ) on omitted taxes or ( c) on delinquent <br /> taxes . I also agree to pay all tax collectors' fees , ownership and encumbrance reports costs , <br /> clerk of the court costs , charges and fees and sheriffs costs , if applicable . Attached is the <br /> above mentioned tax sale certificate on which this application is based and all other certificates <br /> of the same legal description , which are in my possession . <br /> May 241 - 2005 <br /> Applicant' s Signature Date <br /> Thomas S . Lowther , Chairman <br /> Indian River County Board of County Commissioners <br />