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Applied Technology and Management
Amendment No.7 services agreement Beach Preservation Plan
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For all TASK 5 inspection activities , direct inspection by ATM is limited to above-water <br /> efforts . ATM review of the constructed mitigation structures will be limited to review of <br /> information , including photographs , video images, and bathymetric data , provided by the <br /> CONTRACTOR , the COUNTY , and others that the COUNTY chooses to employ to <br /> make such observations . If necessary , ATM will assist the COUNTY with contacting one <br /> or more firms that may assist with the underwater activities . <br /> TASK 59 PRE TURTLE NESTING SEASON YEAR 2004 , 20059_ AND 2006 <br /> COMPACTION AND ESCARPMENT MONITORING <br /> Compaction Monitoring : This monitoring will be performed by Ecological Associates , <br /> Inc. ( EAI) in compliance with Special Condition 13f of the Florida Department of <br /> Environmental Protection (FDEP) Consolidated Joint Coastal Permit (0166929-001 -JC) <br /> for the referenced project . Monitoring will be performed prior to February 15 of each year <br /> for three years beginning in 2004 (2004-2006) while placed sand still remains on the <br /> beach . <br /> Compaction will be measured using a standard FDOT-approved cone penetrometer. <br /> Transects will be established at approximately 500400t intervals throughout the project <br /> area . The transects will be located at each DEP monument and at the approximate <br /> midway point between adjacent monuments . This will yield a total of 26 transects <br /> beginning at R-4 and ending at R- 16 . 5 . <br /> Along each transect stations will be established at the seaward edge of the restored <br /> dune and midway between the toe of the dune and the high water line . At each station <br /> three replicate readings will be taken at each of three depths (6 , 12 and 18 inches) in <br /> accordance with FDEP guidelines . The there replicate values for each depth will be <br /> combined to produce an average value for each depth at each station . <br /> EAI will prepare a tabulated report showing all 18 raw values for each transect , as well <br /> as the 6 average values . The report will be delivered to ATM no later than February 15 <br /> of each year that compaction monitoring is performed . Average values for any specific <br /> depth that exceed 500 psi at two or more adjacent stations will be highlighted . FDEP <br /> requires that those areas be tilled prior to March 1 . <br /> Escarpment Monitoring : This monitoring will be performed by EAI in compliance with <br /> Special Condition 13g of the Florida Department of Environmental Protection ( FDEP) <br /> Consolidated Joint Coastal Permit (0166929-001 -JC) for the referenced project . <br /> Monitoring will be performed prior to February 15 of each year for three years beginning <br /> in 2004 (2004-2006) if placed sand still remains on the beach . EAI will notify ATM of <br /> the presence of escarpments that may potentially interfere with sea turtle nesting . FDEP <br /> requires that those areas be leveled or the beach profile reconfigured to minimize scarp <br /> formation prior to March 1 . It will be the responsibility of ATM to perform or contract the <br /> scarp leveling work and ensure that it is conducted in accordance with accepted industry <br /> standards . <br /> CADocuments and Settings) onethang\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Fi1es\0LK2E\Indlan River County Mitigation Construction Scope of Work 2-04- 3 <br /> 04. DOC <br />
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