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shoreline and volume changes and the post-project condition of the borrow site . ATM will provide <br /> the FDEP with aerial photography (rectified and geo-referenced under a separate work order) . <br /> ATM will prepare the 2-Year Post-Construction Physical Monitoring Report as necessary . The <br /> County will provide ATM with comments to a draft version , and ATM will distribute the report as <br /> necessary . <br /> ATM will provide the County with one draft report for review , and distribute final copies to the <br /> County and regulatory agencies . <br /> Task 7 Sea Turtle Nest Monitoring <br /> Ecological Associates Inc. (EAI) will provide sea turtle nesting surveys per Florida Fish and <br /> Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) and DEP-permit requirements for the 1 -Year Post- <br /> Construction Nesting Season monitoring period . EAI will also perform pre-season tasks including <br /> compaction testing and escarpment monitoring . ATM will provide the County will all reports <br /> provided by EAI . ATM will coordinate efforts and review EAI-provided data prior to distribution . <br /> Sunshine Land Design will perform beach tilling and escarpment leveling . Based on the sand <br /> compaction measurements and escarpment formation observations provided by EAI , Sunshine <br /> Land Design will till the beach to a depth of 36 inches (Prior to March 1 ) and <br /> level any <br /> escarpment as necessary (prior to April 15w) . This task is limited to a single effort . <br /> Task 8 Agency Coordination and Project Administration <br /> Under this task, ATM will coordinate with federal and state regulatory agencies on key project <br /> issues and overall satisfaction of permit-required submittals. Quality control and quality <br /> assurance will ensure that all submittals and agency coordination meet ATM 's and the County's <br /> standards for reporting . All documents will be peer-reviewed internally by ATM staff, and provided <br /> to the County for comment , and submitted in accordance with agency deadlines. <br /> Future Tasks <br /> The issued FDEP and USACE permits require monitoring of the project for a minimum of one <br /> additional year for physical monitoring and three additional years for biological monitoring . It is <br /> assumed that the monitoring requirements will not change . <br />