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Attachment A — Scope of Services <br /> April 2008 <br /> Work Order 13 <br /> Indian River County Beach <br /> Sectors 1 & 2 (Ambersand ) <br /> Mitigation Reef Monitoring (Year 3 ) <br /> INTRODUCTION <br /> The permit for Indian River County Sector 1 and 2 Beach Restoration ( Permit No . 0166929-001 - <br /> JC) required construction of a nearshore artificial reef as mitigation for impacts to the expected <br /> burial of 3.8 acres of nearshore hardbottom . Approximately 3 .6 acres of impact was expected to <br /> high-relief reef habitat dominated by sabellariid worm, and 0 .2 acres of low-relief, algae- <br /> dominated reef were predicted to be impacted by the beach restoration project . <br /> Two types of mitigation reef were constructed as mitigation for the two habitat types: high relief, <br /> high complexity ( HRHC) reef and low relief, low complexity ( LRLC) reef. The high relief, high <br /> complexity reef was designed to have a vertical relief of 3 to 6 feet, and boulders were partially <br /> stacked to achieve this vertical relief. The low relief, low complexity reef was designed to mimic a <br /> vertical relief of 1 to 2 feet using a single layer of boulders. To meet the permit-required <br /> mitigation , 5. 24 acres of artificial reef were constructed . Of the 5 .24 acres , 4 .96 acres is HRHC <br /> reef (36 120 ft. x 50 ft. units) and 0. 28 acres of LRLC reef (two 120 ft. x 50 ft. units) were <br /> constructed . In addition to the 5. 24 acres of permit-required mitigation reef, 1 . 65 acres of LRLC <br /> reef were constructed . A total of 6 .89 acres of reef will be monitored to evaluate its performance <br /> as replacement habitat for impacted benthic communities and fish populations. <br /> This Work Order will provide services to fulfill the permit-required monitoring condition of the <br /> issued permit (including permit modifications to date ) and the FDEP-approved Addendum to the <br /> Mitigation Plan dated July 11 , 2006 . <br /> Task 1 Year 3 Monitoring : Benthic and Fish Habitat Assessments <br /> Under this task, a sub-consultant, Coastal Eco-Group, Inc. (CEG ) , will perform a benthic <br /> assessment and fish counts. The benthic assessment will include six 20-meter digital video <br /> transects and in-situ quadrat analysis (3 quads per transect) . The point count method will be <br /> utilized for fish counts, and will include 10 counts on HRHC sections, 10 counts on LRLW <br /> sections , and 10 counts in adjacent control areas. <br /> The County will provide boat and support services for 3 days of field work and sea turtle <br /> observations per survey protocol . <br /> Task 2 Mitigation Reef Extent <br /> CEG and ATM will perform a survey for the verification of artificial reef acreage and vertical relief. <br /> The survey will be conducted using GPS positioning and in-water measurements of vertical relief <br /> of the reefs perimeter. The corner points of the reef will be mapped and shore-parallel digital <br /> video transects will be conducted . <br /> ATM will provide FDEP data regarding the condition of the reef, the extent of the reef planform <br /> area , and vertical relief and pertinent issues regarding the project permit. <br />