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§ 3 . 2 . 11 The Design/Builder shall comply with and give notices required by laws , <br /> ordinances , rules , regulations and lawful orders of public authorities relating to the <br /> Project . <br /> § 3 . 2 . 12 The Design/Builder shall pay royalties and license fees for patented designs , <br /> processes or products . The Design/Builder shall defend suits or claims for infringement <br /> of patent rights and shall hold the Owner harmless from - loss on account thereof, but <br /> shall not be responsible for such defense or loss when a particular design , process or <br /> product of a particular manufacturer is required by the Owner . However, if the <br /> Design/Builder has reason to believe the use of a required design , process or product is <br /> an infringement of a patent , the Design/Builder shall be responsible for such loss unless <br /> such information is promptly furnished to the Owner. <br /> § 3 . 2 . 13 The Design/Builder shall keep the premises and surrounding area free from <br /> accumulation of waste materials or rubbish caused by operations under this Part 2 <br /> Agreement . At the completion of the Work , the Design/Builder shall remove from the <br /> site waste materials , rubbish , the Design/Builder's tools , construction equipment , <br /> machinery , and surplus materials . <br /> § 3 .2 . 14 The Design/Builder shall notify the Owner when the Design/Builder believes <br /> that the Work or an agreed upon portion thereof is substantially completed . If the <br /> Owner concurs , the Design/Builder shall issue a Certificate of Substantial Completion <br /> which shall establish the Date of Substantial Completion , shall state the responsibility of <br /> each party for security, maintenance , heat , utilities , damage to the Work and insurance , <br /> shall include a list of items to be completed or corrected and shall fix the time within <br /> which the Design/Builder shall complete items listed therein . Disputes between the <br /> Owner and Design/Builder regarding the Certificate of Substantial Completion shall be <br /> resolved in accordance with provisions of Article 10 . <br /> § 3 . 2 . 15 The Design/Builder shall maintain at the site for the Owner one record copy of <br /> the drawings , specifications , product data , samples , shop drawings , Change Orders and <br /> other modifications , in good order and regularly updated to record the completed <br /> construction . These shall be delivered to the Owner upon completion of construction <br /> and prior to final payment . <br /> § 3 . 3 ADDITIONAL SERVICES <br /> § 3 . 3 . 1 The services described in this Section 3 . 3 are not included in Basic Services <br /> unless so identified in Article 14 , and they shall be paid for by the Owner as provided in <br /> this Part 2 Agreement , in addition to the compensation for Basic Services . The services <br /> described in this Section 3 . 3 shall be provided only if authorized or confirmed in writing <br /> by the Owner . <br /> § 3 . 3 . 2 Making revisions in drawings , specifications , and other documents or electronic <br /> data when such revisions are required by the enactment or revision of codes , laws or <br /> regulations subsequent to the preparation of such documents or electronic data . <br /> 7 <br />