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ARTICLE 1 THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS <br /> The Contract Documents consist of this Agreement, Conditions of the Contract (General, Supplementary and other <br /> Conditions), Drawings, Specifications, Addenda issued prior to execution of this Agreement, other documents listed <br /> in this Agreement and Modifications issued after execution of this Agreement; these form the Contract, and are as <br /> fully a part of the Contract as if attached to this Agreement or repeated herein. The Contract represents the entire and <br /> integrated agreement between the parties hereto and supersedes prior negotiations, representations or agreements, <br /> either written or oral . An enumeration of the Contract Documents, other than Modifications, appears in Article 15 . If <br /> anything in the other Contract Documents is inconsistent with this Agreement, this Agreement shall govern. <br /> ARTICLE 2 THE WORK OF THIS CONTRACT <br /> The Contractor shall fully execute the Work described in the Contract Documents, except to the extent specifically <br /> indicated in the Contract Documents to be the responsibility of others. <br /> ARTICLE 3 RELATIONSHIP OF THE PARTIES <br /> The Contractor accepts the relationship of trust and confidence established by this Agreement and covenants with <br /> the Owner to cooperate with the Architect and exercise the Contractor' s skill and judgment in furthering the interests <br /> of the Owner; to furnish efficient business administration and supervision; to furnish at all times an adequate supply <br /> of workers and materials; and to perform the Work in an expeditious and economical manner consistent with the <br /> Owner's interests. The Owner agrees to furnish and approve, in a timely manner, information required by the <br /> Contractor and to make payments to the Contractor in accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents. <br /> ARTICLE 4 DATE OF COMMENCEMENT AND SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION <br /> § 4.1 The date of commencement of the Work shall be the date of this Agreement unless a different date is stated <br /> below or provision is made for the date to be fixed in a notice to proceed issued by the Owner_ <br /> (Insert the date of commencement, if it differs from the date of this Agreement or, if applicable, state that the date <br /> will be fixed in a notice to proceed.) <br /> Start date will be fixed in a Notice to Proceed. <br /> If, prior to commencement of the Work, the Owner requires time to file mortgages, mechanic' s liens and other <br /> security interests, the Owner' s time requirement shall be as follows: <br /> § 4.2 The Contract Time shall be measured from the date of commencement. <br /> § 4.3 The Contractor shall achieve Substantial Completion of the entire Work not later than 90 days from the date <br /> of commencement, or as follows: <br /> (Insert number of calendar days. Alternatively, a calendar date may be used when coordinated with the date of <br /> commencement. Unless stated elsewhere in the Contract Documents, insert any requirements for earlier Substantial <br /> Completion of certain portions of the Work. ) <br /> Portion of Work Substantial Completion date <br /> , subject to adjustments of this Contract Time as provided in the Contract Documents. <br /> (Insert provisions, if any, for liquidated damages relating to failure to complete on time, or for bonus payments for <br /> early completion of the Work.) <br /> AIA Document All 1 n" — 1997. Copyright 0 1920, 1925, 1951 , 1958, 1961 , 1963, 1967, 1974, 1978, 1987 and 1997 by The American Institute of Architects. <br /> All rights reserved. WARNING: This AIA° Document is protected by U.S. Copyright Law and International Treaties. Unauthorized reproduction or 2 <br /> distribution of this AIAa Document, or any portion of it, may result in severe civil and criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted to the maximum <br /> extent possible under the law. This document was produced by AIA software at 10:41 :42 on 12/28/2007 under Order No. 1000304448_1 which expires on <br /> 5/29/2008, and is not for resale. <br /> User Notes: (4283860081 ) <br />