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5/6/2016 11:23:44 AM
Creation date
9/30/2015 10:39:06 PM
Official Documents
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Work Order
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Beach Preservation Applied Technology and Management
Work Order No.6 Services Agreement
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Task 2 Site Inspections and Meetings <br /> ATM will perform site inspections and conduct weekly progress meetings. Based on <br /> discussions to date, it is anticipated that the contractor will commence sand placement on mid- <br /> to end of March. ATM will conduct weekly inspections and conduct on-site progress meetings <br /> March 14"' through May 18"'. Prior to March 14`", ATM will conduct weekly conference calls <br /> beginning February 28`". The budget for this task also includes an allowance contractor <br /> coordination and review of the contractor's requests for payment. This budget for this task is <br /> based on combined trips and meetings for both the Sectors 1 & 2 and Sector 7 portions of the <br /> project. <br /> ATM will prepare and provide the County with meeting notes for each weekly conference call <br /> and meeting . <br /> Task 3 Agency Coordination and Project Certification <br /> ATM will provide agency coordination as needed and will provide project certification upon <br /> completion of the project. Due to the nearshore hardbottom and turbidity monitoring issues, the <br /> regulatory agencies interest in this project will require significant coordination and interaction, <br /> and ongoing coordination and updates will be provided. This task will also allow for proactive <br /> coordination with the regulatory agencies should any project permit related or regulatory issues <br /> arise during construction or though the County's Substantial Completion. <br /> If needed , ATM will request an permit extension for the placement of the sand from May 1 �` to <br /> May 15`". The request will require continuous coordination with all agencies. <br /> Upon the contractor's completion of the project to the satisfaction of the ATM , ATM will provide <br /> the County and regulatory agencies project certification per permit requirements . <br /> ATM will provide the County updates via e-mail of any significant conversations or e-mail <br /> exchanges with the regulatory agencies, and will be billed on a time and materials basis. At <br /> ATM's discretion, Coastal Eco-Group may be consulted on a time and materials basis. ATM will <br /> also provide the County, DEP and USACE with project certification. <br /> Task 4 Sediment Sampling and Reporting <br /> Per permit requirements, sand samples need to be collected and analyzed. Sand samples (two <br /> repetitive) need to be collected at two cross-shore locations at each '/2 monument station (e.g. , <br /> R-5, R-5.5, R-6, etc.) upon the County's acceptance of the pay section. The samples will be <br /> collected by ATM staff as part of site visit (Task 2) . ATM will be in close coordination with <br /> County staff in the regarding the collection of the samples. Collected samples will be provided <br /> to and analyzed to ASTM standards by a qualified lab (SEA) . <br /> ATM will provide the necessary regulatory agencies and the County with the laboratory analysis <br /> of the sand samples. <br /> Task 5 Shorebird Monitoring <br /> ATM will provide monitoring of nesting and non-breeding (limited to FL breeding species) <br /> shorebirds per permit requirements. The monitoring effort will be conducted under the <br /> supervision of a FWC-approved shorebird monitor. ATM will responsible for the monitoring and <br /> data reporting, but will include County staff. In preparation for the monitoring County staff will <br /> mark the location of each DEP '% monument station (e.g . , R-5, R-5. 5, R-6, etc.) . Prior to April <br /> 1s` The FWC-approved ATM biologist-in-charge will train the monitoring staff (1 ATM staff and 1 <br />
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