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nearshore area throughout the County. This assessment is to be conducted semi- <br /> annually beginning just after project construction , and continuing for three successive <br /> years thereafter. In-Water Research Group (IRG) will complete the field and statistical <br /> efforts described in this task under subcontract with ATM . The data is to be used to <br /> determine seasonal differences in sea turtle abundance in the nearshore environment, <br /> as well as differences in sea turtle abundance at differing distances offshore and at <br /> different locations within the County . To provide for sufficient data for analysis, two <br /> complete surveys, as described below, will be needed each sampling period . The <br /> complete project will require seven sampling periods , with two sampling events per <br /> period , for a total of 14 countywide sea turtle surveys . <br /> Task 5. 1 Field Surveys : <br /> Surveys will be conducted along a series of 3-kilometer long transects previously <br /> established by Indian River County. Study sites and survey methodology will be in <br /> accordance with the Indian River County Sectors 1 &2 Beach Restoration Project <br /> Biological Monitoring Plan prepared by Applied Technology and Management (ATM) and <br /> Indian River County. <br /> Task 5. 2 Data Analysis : <br /> Data will be tabulated and transmitted to ATM and Indian River County ( IRC) at the <br /> conclusion of each survey effort. At the conclusion of the study, ANOVA or other <br /> appropriate statistical treatments will be employed to statistically compare turtle <br /> abundances between seasons , sites , and distances offshore . For seasonal <br /> comparisons , data from the north , south and central survey zones will be pooled . To <br /> analyze differences between the survey zones , data from all observations will be pooled . <br /> To analyze differences in turtle abundance at different distances offshore, the sub- <br /> contractor (IRG) will pool data from all survey zones and periods . <br /> Task 5.3 Report Preparation : <br /> Annual summary reports and a final report at the conclusion of the project completely <br /> describing the methods , results and conclusions of the survey project shall be provided . <br /> Additionally, a summary report of the 2001 nearshore turtle transect work to serve as a <br /> pre-construction baseline for the proposed monitoring shall be provided . All reporting <br /> and transmittal efforts shall be conducted by IRG and Indian River County . ATM staff <br /> shall have no role in review and comment on draft reports, nor in the submittal of said <br /> documents to regulatory agencies . <br /> It is assumed that the first surveys will be conducted in the spring quarter (April-June) <br /> 2003 . Following the initial surveys, surveys will then be conducted in : Fall 2003 (August- <br /> September) , Spring 2004 (April-June) , Fall 2004 (August-September) , Spring 2005 <br /> (April-June) , Fall 2005 (August-September) , and Spring 2006 (April-June) . <br /> C1WINDOWS\TEMPIAmbersand Post-Construction services Contract AmendmeM #6 - Reduced scope 03.12-03.doc 1 1 <br />