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Indian River County is a Non- Charter County established under the Constitution and the Laws of the <br /> State of Florida. This Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) includes the funds of the <br /> primary government (the Board of County Commissioners , the Clerk of the Circuit Court , the Property ' <br /> Appraiser, the Sheriff, the Supervisor of Elections and the Tax Collector) , the blended component units <br /> consisting of the Emergency Services District and the Solid Waste Disposal District and one discretely <br /> presented component unit, the Indian River County Housing Authority . <br /> These component units were included because generally accepted accounting principles require that <br /> organizations for which the County is financially accountable be reported with the primary government <br /> (the County) as the reporting entity . This CAFR does not include the Indian River County School <br /> District, the Indian River County Mosquito Control District or the Indian River County Memorial <br /> Hospital . <br /> Local Economy <br /> Strong growth in the County continued and has provided the County the opportunity to lower tax rates <br /> while still providing a high level of services to County residents and visitors . Property tax values <br /> increased 25 % from $ 14 . 2 billion in 2006 to $ 17 . 8 billion in 2007 due to the building boom in 2005 and <br /> 2006 . Construction activity has subsequently decreased in 2007 due to the fall of the economy, <br /> decreasing interest rates , increasing fuel prices , and the downsizing of the northern manufacturing <br /> plants . All of these factors contributed to a decrease in new construction with 1 , 673 permits issued in <br /> 2007 for a value of $ 387 . 2 million . Our Statistical Schedule 19 , on page 194 , reflects our peak activity <br /> of growth in 2005 and 2006 . Even though our construction has slowed , our County population <br /> continued to grow. Population growth, which was averaging about 2 . 15 % per year in the 1990s , had <br /> increased over 2006 by 3 . 3 % . Indian River County ' s estimated population can be found on Statistical <br /> Schedule 17 on page 192 . <br /> Total employment for FY 2007 was 57 , 292 with jobs in government, medical services , financial <br /> services , manufacturing , retail , construction and citrus . The unemployment rate increased from 4 . 7 % in <br /> 2006 to 7 . 0% in 2007 due to the decrease in residential and commercial construction and remodeling . <br /> Just slightly less than 10 % of the total County acreage is dedicated to citrus production . The County is a <br /> major producer of citrus in the state with citrus production increasing from 7 . 5 million boxes in 2006 to <br /> 12 . 3 million boxes in 2007 . <br /> Long Term Financial Planning <br /> The Utilities Department has planned on the addition of several new water distribution and wastewater <br /> collection lines to serve new customers . Expansion of the West Regional Wastewater Plant began <br /> during fiscal year 2006 - 2007 at an estimated cost of $ 21 . 1 million . Additionally, the North R/O Water <br /> Plant expansion is also underway at an estimated cost of $ 14 million . All of these improvements will be <br /> funded by current Utility capacity charges and from the additional customer base they will serve . <br /> The widening of a northern artery , County Road 510 has begun . This will increase capacity from two to <br /> four lanes from U . S . Highway 1 to County Road 512 at a cost of approximately $ 80 million . Funding <br /> will be provided by traffic impact fees and gas taxes and is estimated to be completed during fiscal year <br /> 2011 - 2012 . <br /> ii ,�: <br />