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Major Initiatives <br /> Construction was completed on the new County Administration Complex during fiscal year 2006 - 2007 . <br /> Optional one-cent sales tax funded this project at over $ 43 million . Operating costs will increase slightly ' <br /> due to the larger size of the new facility and will be funded by ad valorem taxes . <br /> The Board of County Commissioners approved the Comprehensive Beach Preservation Plan (BPP) in <br /> 1999 . Several areas of County beaches have been listed as critically eroded . The Beach Preservation <br /> Plan provides for renourishment of these portions . State grants , local option sales tax , and tourist tax <br /> make up the necessary funding for these projects . The County will complete restoration efforts of the <br /> South County Beach (Sector 7) and the Ambersand Beach ( Sectors 1 & 2) in fiscal year 2007 -2008 . <br /> These areas experienced drastic erosion after the 2004 and 2005 hurricanes . FEMA grants totaling <br /> approximately $ 10 . 0 million will assist in providing emergency renourishment for storm protection from <br /> future hurricanes . Grant applications will also be submitted for construction of additional offshore <br /> artificial reefs . <br /> Indian River County has entered into an agreement with Indian River Community College to construct a <br /> joint-use library for both Indian River County and the college . This additional facility will provide a <br /> resource to serve the County ' s growing population and students of the college . Funding for the project <br /> is from one - cent sales tax , library impact fees , gas tax and a Challenge Grant secured by the college . Ad <br /> valorem taxes will provide most of the funding for operating costs . The college will contribute a portion <br /> of the operating costs in this joint venture , which will reduce the impact on ad valorem dollars . <br /> Public Works , Utilities , and Community Development are currently proceeding with the design and <br /> construction of storm water projects in Vero Lake Estates , East Gifford, and Roseland areas . Local <br /> funds will be used to match several State grants awarded for these storm water projects . The East <br /> Gifford Storm Water Watershed M . S . B . U . was created to account for local non-ad valorem assessments , <br /> collected as a local match to receive a State grant for a comprehensive storm water improvement project <br /> for this area. Implementation of the Storm Water Master Plan as required by The National Pollutant <br /> Discharge Elimination System Requirements (NPDES ) will reduce the amount of freshwater runoff and <br /> chemicals (fertilizers , pesticides , herbicides) entering the Indian River Lagoon. <br /> Awards and Acknowledgements <br /> The Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada (GFOA) awarded a <br /> Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting to Indian River County for its <br /> �» <br /> comprehensive annual financial report (CAFR) for the fiscal year ended September 30 , 2006 . This was <br /> the 24th consecutive year that the County has received this prestigious award . In order to be awarded a <br /> Certificate of Achievement, a government must publish an easily readable and efficiently organized <br /> comprehensive annual financial report. This report must satisfy both generally accepted accounting <br /> principles and applicable legal requirements . <br /> A Certificate of Achievement is valid for a period of one year only . We believe that our current <br /> comprehensive annual financial report continues to meet the Certificate of Achievement Program ' s <br /> requirements and we are submitting it to the GFOA to determine its eligibility for another certificate . <br /> In addition, Indian River County also received the GFOA ' s Distinguished Budget Presentation Award <br /> for its annual budget document for the 2006 -2007 fiscal year . This was the 16th consecutive year that <br /> the County has received this prestigious award . In order to qualify for the Distinguished Budget <br /> Presentation Award, the County ' s budget document had to be judged proficient as a policy document, <br /> financial plan, operations guide , and communications device . <br /> iv <br />