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EXHIBIT 3 <br /> PROJECT SCHEDULE <br /> INDIAN RIVER COUNTY <br /> SOUTH COUNTY WATER TREATMENT PLANT <br /> CONCENTRATE DISPOSAL EVALUATION <br /> SCHEDULE <br /> CDM will begin work immediately upon authorization of this Work Order . CDM will evaluate <br /> all options (as they are identified) by the County and / or FDEP and present the overall <br /> recommended alternative (s) to FDEP upon completion. CDM is aware of the enforceable <br /> schedule outlined by FDEP in the consent order and will meet the deadlines or will file the <br /> appropriate request for extension if/ when necessary . County and CDM recognize that change <br /> orders in deliverable dates may be required . The County is obligated by the consent order to <br /> have an alternative discharge location in operation no later than October 2011 . The following <br /> Milestone schedule is established based on an expected approval and notice to proceed date of <br /> December 15, 2009. <br /> TASK TIME OF COMPLETION <br /> ■ Evaluate Options (Task 1 ) January 15, 2010 <br /> ■ FDEP Status Update (Task 2) March 1 , 2010 <br /> ■ Preliminary Pilot Testing Evaluation (Tasks 1 and 3) June 1 , 2010 <br /> ■ Misc . FDEP Correspondence (Tasks 2 and 3) December 2010 <br /> CDM anticipates a project schedule of 12 months to complete the evaluation of the various <br /> options (Tasks 1 , 2, and 3) . The above Milestone schedule is subject to modification due to the <br /> unknown results of evaluations and / or correspondence from FDEP at this time . CDM will <br /> request County change orders in the Milestone schedule as required . <br /> 1 j12529 Exhibit 3. doc <br />