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10/21/1958 (2)
10/21/1958 (2)
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Last modified
7/23/2015 9:40:55 AM
Creation date
6/9/2015 3:41:53 PM
Meeting Type
Special Call Meeting
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376 <br />TUESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1955 <br />i <br />special meeting of the Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County, <br />F1ori a, was he at the Courthouse, Vero Beach, Florida at 9:00 o'clock A. M., Tuesd , <br />October 21, 1958. Pr ent were Vice Chairman Robert Graves, D. B. McCullers, Jr., d J. J. <br />P. Hamilt Absent were ald Macdonald and W. C. Graves, Jr. Also present we a Ed <br />Schmucker, unty Engineer, Sherm N. Smith, Jr., County Attorney and Katherin Morrison, <br />Deputy Clerk. <br />The Co ty Assessor of Taxes, Dome Fletcher, appeared before a Board and <br />presented the tax olls for the year 1958 on Real Personal Property d also Intangible <br />Tax Roll, which were arefully examined and found correc nd on Motion made by Commissioner <br />McCullers, seconded by ommissioner Hamilton, and carried, were pro ed,, and the Warrants <br />to each of said rolls we annexed thereto and is in words and f igu es following: <br />THE STATE OF FLORIDA <br />To: Troy E. Moody, Tax Colle for of the County of Indian Rive <br />You are hereby comman to collect out of the real state and personal property, <br />and from each of the persons and c rporations named in the nnexed roll, the taxes Is down <br />in each roll opposite each name, co oration or parcel o land therein describ and in <br />case taxes so imposed are not paid at a time prescri ed by law, you a to collect the <br />same by levy and sale of the goods and c ttels, Ian and tenem s so assessed, or of the <br />person or corporation so taxed; and all sum colle ted for a State taxes you are to pay to <br />the State Treasurer at such time as may be re u ed law, and at the same time you are to <br />pay to the legally qualified Depository all s collected for County taxes, district <br />school taxes and other special taxes; yo are urther required to make all collections on <br />or before the first Monday in Ap ; and or befo the first Monday in July you will make <br />a final report to and sett mens with t Comptroller d County Commissioners. <br />Given and my hand and sea this the 21st day of October in the year A.D. 1958. <br />]Npmer C. Fletcher <br />Assessor f Taxes, Indian River County. <br />- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - <br />STATE OF FLORIDA <br />To: Troy E. Moody, Tax Co ector,of th County of Indian River <br />You are hereby��commanded to collec out of the real estate d personal property, <br />from each of the perso sand corporations named the annexed Intangibl Personal Property <br />Assessment Roll, th taxes set down in each roll oppo °te each name of pers n, firm or <br />corporation there' described,. and in case taxes so impos are not paid at t e time pre- <br />scribed by law, ou are to collect same by levy and sale of go Is and chattels, ands and <br />tenements of a person, firm or corporation so taxed; and all sums collected for the State <br />taxes you a e to pay to the State Comptroller at such time as may be re ired by 1a and <br />you are f rther required to make all collections on or before the first Mon in Apra ; and <br />on or b fore the first Monday in July you will make a final report to and settle nt wit <br />the C mptroller and County Commissioners. <br />1 <br />1 <br />40 <br />1 <br />0 <br />1 <br />1 <br />0 <br />
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