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Catholic Charities of 'I 'he Diocese of Palm Beach <br /> Samarilan Center <br /> Be PROGRAM NEED STATEMENT (Entire .Section B not to exceed one page) <br /> 1 . a) What is the unacceptable condition requiring change? b) Who has the need ? <br /> c) Where do they live ? d ) Provide local, state, or national trend data , with reference <br /> source, that corroborates that this is an area of need . <br /> a) The unacceptable condition requiring change is that of homelessness, a lack of higher <br /> education, vocational skills training and parenting skills . In addition, there are typically problems <br /> of substance abuse, physical and emotional abuse, financial problems, legal issues, transportation <br /> difficulties, mental health issues , and a general lack of adaptive life problem solving skills <br /> b) The need its realized by families that are homeless or living in unacceptable living conditions . <br /> Families must consist of at least one adult age 18 + with at least one child age 0- 17 or a pregnant <br /> female 18 years or older. <br /> c) They must be residents of Indian River County. Most are in the process of being evicted . <br /> Some have already been evicted and are living in cars, tents or on someone ' s porch for a limited <br /> time : In some cases the court mandates that a parent come into our program in order to be <br /> reunified with their child/children. <br /> d) Data : The Department of Children and Families annual report on Homeless Conditions in <br /> Florida dated June 20, 2002 states that : The profile of Florida' s homeless has shifted . Although <br /> single adult males make up 41 % of the total homeless population, families and children continue <br /> to be a growing segment of the homeless in Florida. Families now make up 37. 7% of all <br /> homeless persons . Children under 18 years of age now comprise over 27%. The causes of <br /> homelessness remain rooted in poverty and the lack of affordable housing. Complicating the <br /> situation for many individuals and families are related problems of mental health , substance <br /> abuse and the breakup of family units . While the causes of homelessness are varied and unique <br /> to each person and family, so too must be the strategies employed to help each person and family <br /> overcome their problems to attain a level of self-sufficiency needed to re-enter the housing <br /> market. <br /> Through an article in the "Facts of Life in Indian River County", the Treasure Coast Homeless <br /> Services Council reports that on any given day, the county has 457 people without permanent <br /> homes . Some live outdoors , others live in shelters, cars or are in the county jail . <br /> 2 . a) Identify similar programs that are currently serving the needs of your targeted <br /> population ; b) Explain how these existing programs are under-serving the targeted <br /> population of your program . <br /> a ) The only local program similar to ours is the Homeless Family Center. They served 17 <br /> families consisting of 40 children during the last year. In addition , they turned 23 families away. <br /> The HAC also received a grant for rental assistance for homeless families and assisted 28 Indian <br /> River County families consisting of 73 children . <br /> b) Underserving the targeted population is shown by the number of people turned away by <br /> HAC & Samaritan Center. Our records indicated that 157 families applied for residency at S . C . <br /> during the last calendar year. This consists of 180 adults . 245 children and 16 unborn children . <br /> Of these , 17 families were not I. R. C . residents and therefore not eligible for our program , <br /> 5 <br />
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