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APPENDIX A <br /> DEPARTMENT OF STATE <br /> DIVISION OF ELECTIONS <br /> VOTER EDUCATION FUNDS <br /> FY 2005-06 <br /> 2004 GENERAL VOTER COUNTY <br /> ELECTION EDUCATION MATCHING <br /> REGISTERED FUNDING FUNDS <br /> COUNTY VOTERS PER COUNTY 15% <br /> FY 2005-06 APPROPRIATION - VOTER EDUCATION $39000,000 <br /> 2004 General Election - Total number of registered voters in the state 103301 ,290 <br /> FUNDING LEVEL PER INDIVIDUAL VOTER $0 .2912 <br /> (Based on FY 2005-06 appropriation for Voter Education <br /> divided by the total number of registered voters in the state <br /> for the 2004 General Election) <br /> The funds in Specific Appropriation 2938 shall be distrubuted to county supervisors of elections for the <br /> following purposes relating to voter education : mailing or publishing sample ballots; conducting activities <br /> pursuant to the Standards for Nonpartisan Voter Education as provided in Rule 1 S-2 .033 , F .A.C .; print, <br /> radio, or television advertising to voters and other innovative voter education programs , as approved by the <br /> Department of State. No supervisor of elections shall receive any funds until the county supervisor of <br /> elections provides to the Department of State a detailed description of the voter-education programs , such <br /> as those described above , to be implemented. <br /> The Department shall distribute an amount to each eligible county supervisor equal to the funding level per <br /> voter multiplied by the number of registered voters in the county for the 2004 General Election . The <br /> Department shall determine the funding level per voter in the state based on the number of registered voters <br /> in the state for the 2004 General Election . <br /> In order for a county supervisor of elections to be eligible to receive state funding for voter education , the <br /> county must certify to the Division of Elections that the county will provide matching funds for voter <br /> education in the amount equal to fifteen percent of the amount to be received from the state . Additionally, to <br /> be eligible , a county must segregate state voter education distributions and required county matching dollars <br /> in a separate account established to hold only such funds . Funds in this account must be used only for the <br /> activities for which the funds were received . Any funds remaining in the fund at the and of the fiscal year <br /> shall remain in the account to be used for the same purposes for subsequent years or until such funds are <br /> expended . <br /> Voter Education Funds Attachment A Final.xls 3 7/26/2005 <br />