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NOTICE OF INTENT TO USE THE GENERAL PERMIT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF WATER MAIN <br />EXTENSIONS FOR PWSs <br />Proiect Name: Oslo Road/Lateral 'J'Bridge Replacement I Permittee: Indian River County <br />2. Explanation of Peaking Factor(s) or Method(s) Used to Estimate Design Peak -Hour Water Demand and, for Small Water <br />Systems that Use Hydropneumatic Tanks or that Are Not Designed to Provide Fire Protection, Peak Instantaneous Water <br />Demand: There are no service connections within the limits of the existing water main relocation. <br />3. Design Fire -Flow Rate and Duration: There are no service connections within the limits of the existing water main relocation. <br />4. Design Service Pressure Range: There are no service connections within the limits of the existing water main relocation. <br />B. Project Site Information <br />1. ATTACH A SITE PLAN OR SKETCH SHOWING THE SIZE AND APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF NEW OR ALTERED <br />WATER MAINS, SHOWING THE APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF HYDRANTS, VALVES, METERS, AND BLOW - <br />OFFS IN SAID MAINS, AND SHOWING HOW SAID MAINS CONNECT TO THE PUBLIC WATER SYSTEM <br />SUPPLYING WATER FOR THE PROJECT. <br />2. Description of Any Areas Where New or Altered Water Mains Will Cross Above or Under Surface Water or Be Located in <br />Soil that Is Known to Be Aggressive: The proposed water main relocation will consist of replacing the existing water main that <br />exist under the Lateral `J' Canal and constructing via a horizontal directional drill a new subaqueous crossing to accommodate <br />the proposed bridge -culvert. <br />C. Information About Compliance with Design and Construction Requirements <br />1. If this project is being designed to comply with the following requirements, initial before the requirements. If any of the <br />following requirements do not apply to this project or if this project includes exceptions to any of the following requirements as <br />allowed by rule, mark "NA" before the requirements and complete Part II.C.2 below. RSWW = Recommended Standards for <br />Water Works as incorporated into Rule 62-555.330, F.A.C. <br />a. This project is being designed to keep existing water mains and service lines in operation during construction <br />or to minimize interruption of water service during construction. [RSWW 1.3.a; exceptions allowed under FAC 62- <br />555.330] <br />b. All pipe, pipe fittings, pipe joint packing and jointing materials, valves, fire hydrants, and meters installed <br />under this project will conform to applicable American Water Works Association (AWWA) standards. [FAC <br />62-555.320(21)(b), RSWW 8.0, and AWWA standards as incorporated into FAC 62-555.330; exceptions allowed under FAC 62- <br />555.320(21)(c)] <br />c. Al] public water system components, excluding fire hydrants, that will be installed under this project and that <br />will come into contact with drinking water will conform to NSF International Standard 61 as adopted in Rule <br />62-555.335, F.A.C., or other applicable standards, regulations, or requirements referenced in paragraph 62- <br />555.320(3)(b), F.A.C. [FAC 62-555.320(3)(b); exceptions allowed under FAC 62-555.320(3)(d)] <br />d. All pipe and pipe fittings installed under this project will contain no more than 8.0% lead, and any solder or <br />flux used in this project will contain no more than 0.2%n lead. [FAC 62-555.322] <br />e. All pipe and pipe fittings installed under this project will be color coded or marked in accordance with <br />subparagraph 62-555.320(21)(b)3, F.A.C., using blue as a predominant color. (Underground plastic pipe will <br />be solid -wall blue pipe, will have a co -extruded blue external skin, or will be white or black pipe with blue <br />stripes incorporated into, or applied to, the pipe wall; and underground metal or concrete pipe will have blue <br />stripes applied to the pipe wall. Pipe striped during manufacturing of the pipe will have continuous stripes that <br />run parallel to the axis of the pipe, that are located at no greater than 90 -degree intervals around the pipe, and <br />that will remain intact during and after installation of the pipe. If tape or paint is used to stripe pipe during <br />installation of the pipe, the tape or paint will be applied in a continuous line that runs parallel to the axis of the <br />pipe and that is located along the top of the pipe; for pipe with an internal diameter of 24 inches or greater, tape <br />or paint will be applied in continuous lines along each side of the pipe as well as along the top of the pipe. <br />Aboveground pipe will be painted blue or will be color coded or marked like underground pipe.) [FAC 62- <br />555.320(21)(b)31 <br />f. All new or altered water mains included in this project are sized after a hydraulic analysis based on flow <br />demands and pressure requirements. ATTACH A HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS JUSTIFYING THE SIZE OF <br />ANY NEW OR ALTERED WATER MAINS WITH AN INSIDE DIAMETER OF LESS THAN THREE <br />INCHES. [FAC 62-555.320(21)(b) and RSWW 8.1 ] <br />DEP Form 62-555.900(7) Page 3 <br />Effective August 28, 2003 <br />