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original suit and that he would estimate that it would not cost more than $1,000.00. It was <br />also decided that our Attorney would contact the Whittier's attorney, Mr. Cooksey and see if <br />he could work something out with him so that he could represent the County as well as the <br />Whittier's. That way the County and the Whittier's would share the cost and it would not <br />cost either party so much. <br />A Resolution was presented to the Board by Mr. Ralph A. Profeta, Sr., President <br />of the Indian River County Contractors Assn. in which they requested that the County adopt a <br />building code for the County and also requiring examination of contractors similiar to the <br />examinations required by the City of Vero Beach. After considerable discussion in the <br />matter in which the Commissioners told Mr. Profeta that the Farm Bureau was against examina- <br />tions, it was decided that the Contractors should get in touch with the members of the Farm <br />Bureau and then meet back with the Board of County Commissioners at 9:00 o'clock on Monday, <br />March 23rd to further discuss the matter. <br />Mr. Emil Yunkel appeared before the Board representing Florida Ridge Subdivision <br />and presented a petition representing owners of around 82% of the lots in said Subdivision, <br />and requesting that the County pave the streets of this subdivision and tax them on their tax <br />bills for the next five years to pay for the paving of the streets. After considerable dis- <br />cussion in the matter this petition was tabled and Mr. Kunkel was informed that the Board <br />had not at this time worked out any satisfactory -solution for the paving of subdivision street: <br />Cy Cruze appeared before the Board and stated that under the present specifications <br />for roads we require 1," asphaltic topping and only one contractor in the County could bid and <br />he would like the specifications (at least for minor sibdivision streets) reduced, using a two - <br />course rock treatment surface on a marl base so that the other contractors would have a chance <br />to bid. After considerable discussion in the matter the Board said they would notify the road <br />contractors to meet with them on Friday night at 7:30 P. M. in the Courthouse and see if they <br />could come to some sort of agreement. <br />Mr. Harold S. Winner appeared before the Board and presented a Petition bearing some <br />32 names of property owners of property located on the peninsular South of the Sebastian Inlet, <br />Brevard County and" Commissioners do all in their power to transfer the property <br />now in Brevard County to Indian River County, thereby changing the Boundary Line between Bre- <br />vard and Indian River County. After considerable discussion in the matter and upon Motion <br />made by Commissioner Macdonald, seconded by Commissioner McCullers and unanimously carried, <br />the following Resolution was adopted: <br />R E S 0 L U T I 0 N -- Brevard - Indian River County Line <br />WHEREAS, there has been pending for years the matter of development of a road and <br />bridge to be known as State Road A -1-A extending North from Indian River County to the Sebas- <br />tian Inlet in -Brevard County, and <br />WHEREAS, it is evident to all parties concerned that such a road appears impossible <br />under the existing circumstances due to the fact that the width of land in Brevard County is <br />not sufficient to accomodate such a road and the fact that all of the submerged lands to the <br />LJ <br />1 <br />1 <br />0 <br />1 <br />0 <br />1 <br />