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1 <br />r—' <br />is <br />1 <br />1 <br />0 <br />The County Engineer stated that he had received a bulletin from the U. S. Army <br />Engineers stating they would be holding several meetings (one to be held at Melbourne on <br />April Sth regarding damage caused by hurricane tides and tha t he would like to attend. The <br />Board agreed that he should attend and further that he should contact Joe Earman, Director <br />of Civil Defense and have him also attend. <br />A bill from Warren Zeuch Insurance Agency for premium for one year for fire and <br />extended coverage on the Health Center Building, was presented to the Board and it was <br />noted that this building was covered for only $6,000.00. After some discussion in the <br />,matter and upon Motion made by Commissioner Macdonald, seconded by Commissioner McCullers <br />and carried, the Board authorized this coverage be increased to $12,000.00. <br />The Clerk stated that in advertising for an Addressograph Machine from the Super- <br />visor of Registration Office that Mrs. Richey had failed to include an additional auto- <br />matic selector which she would like to have on this machine. That the accepted bid had been <br />for a Factory Reconditioned machine a t a price of $1215.20 and that the additional Selector <br />would cost $18.25 and asked if the Commissioners would O.K. this additional automatic se:lec <br />Upon Motion made by Commissioner McCullers, seconded by Commissioner Macdonald and carried, <br />the Board authorized the additional selector for the machine. <br />Audit Report #4923 covering records of the Florida Inland Navigation District, <br />for the fiscal year ended December 31, 1958, was presented to the Board and was ordered <br />filed as apart of the public records of the Board pursuant to Section 21.121(3), Florida <br />Statutes. <br />Commissioner McCullers, introduced the following Resolution and upon being Seconde <br />by Commissioner Macdonald and unanimously carried, was adopted: <br />R E S O L U T I O N -- Item to Item Transfers <br />WHEREAS, there is a total surplus of $4,974.20 in the General Revenue Fund of <br />Indian River County under some items and which surplus exists after the payment of all <br />necessary expenditures under such items for the current fiscal year; and <br />WHEREAS, there is adef iciency in funds necessary to provide for the proper and <br />authorized expenditures under some items in the General Revenue Fund; and <br />WHEREAS, said items mentioned are a part of the same fund and the transfer from <br />one item to another item in the same fund and is not a transfer from one fund to another <br />fund; therefore, <br />BE IT RESOLVED tha t there is herewith transferred the sum of $4,974.20 from some <br />items where there is a surplus to the items where there is a deficiency, according to de- <br />tailed statement attached, all in the General Revenue Fund of the current budget of Indian <br />River County as provided by law. <br />Item to Item Transfers <br />EXPENDITURES <br />A/C Name <br />921. Refund <br />211. Salary Co. Commissioners <br />541. Mental Health Unit <br />563. General Welfare <br />Contingencies <br />TOTAL <br />TRANSFERS <br />To From <br />$ 500.00 <br />1,474.20 <br />3,000.00 <br />$3=000.00 <br />1,974.20 <br />41974.20 4,974.20 <br />