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St. Peter's Human Services, Inc.
Grant Contract for Children's Advisiory Services
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Organization: St. Peter's Human services, Inc. Program: Village of Excellence Training Institute for Girls Founder: Children's Service Council <br /> F, PROGRAM EVALUATION (Entire Section F not to exceed two pages) <br /> 1 . DEMOGRAPHICS: What information (data elements) will you need to collect in order <br /> to accurately describe your target population including demographics (age, gender, and <br /> ethnic background) required by the funder in Section H? What are the pieces of <br /> information that qualify them for your target population? How do you document their <br /> need for services or their "unacceptable condition requiring change" from Section Bl ? <br /> The information to be collected includes : name, age ethnic background, birth date and grade. To <br /> qualify for the target population, a prospective enrollee will be at-risk for at least two of the <br /> following conditions: At-risk females between the ages of 7 and 16 who have exhibited at least <br /> two of the problem behaviors as follows : school disciplinary referrals, chronic school truancy, <br /> repeated school suspensions, poor academic performance, a history of alcohol , tobacco and other <br /> drugs, rebellion, running away, mental and emotional health issues and those with a history of <br /> delinquent behavior. The unacceptable condition is juvenile delinquency and is documented <br /> through DJJ reports, school reports, parent reports, etc. This shall be documented and maintained <br /> through a database and spreadsheet programs. <br /> 2. MEASURES: What data elements will you need to collect to show that you have <br /> achieved (or made progress toward) your Measurable Outcomes in Section D? What <br /> tools or items are you using as measures (grades, survey scores, attendance, absences, <br /> skill levels) for your program ? Are you getting baseline information from a source on <br /> your Collaboration List in Section E? Are there results from your Activities in Section <br /> D that need to be documented? How often do you need to collect or follow-up on this <br /> data? <br /> Data will be collected from participants via progress reports/report cards on a nine week basis. <br /> Copies of schedules and activities listing the study hour, rap sessions and dates and times of <br /> guest speakers will be maintained on location. An entrance description of behaviors will be <br /> maintained and reviewed quarterly for improvement. Upon exiting a program, a summary- of <br /> progress made while attending the program will be documented. Measurement items include <br /> grades, attendance sheets, progress reports, school conduct codes report, pre and post test reports, <br /> counselor reports, prevention activity attendance sheets, etc . The progress report/report cards will <br /> be collected every nine weeks and at the end of the semester. The schedule of activities will be <br /> collected on an ongoing basis. The entrance and exit behavior description will be collected upon <br /> entering and exiting the program. Progress notes on behavior improvement will be documented <br /> quarterly or as needed. After successful discharge, there will be a monthly follow-up for six <br /> months via parents, school and DJJ. <br /> 3. REPORTING: What will you do with this information to show that change has <br /> occurred? How will you use or present these results to the consumer, the funder, the <br /> program, and the community? How will you use this information to improve your <br /> program? <br /> The data will be compiled in a notebook under each activity and also copies of the <br /> progress/report cards will be placed in each enrollee' s file. The information will be provided <br /> upon request to any requesting agency, collaborative partners and the Human Service Board of <br /> Directors. <br /> 12 <br />
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