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Organization: St Peter's Human Services, Inc. Program: St. Peter's Boys Development & Training Institute Founder: Children's Service Council <br /> D, MEASURABLE OUTCOMES (Entire Section D not to exceed two pages) <br /> OUTCOMES ACTIVITIES <br /> Add all o the elements or the Measurable Outcomes Add the tasks to accomplish the Outcomes <br /> OBJECTIVE #1 : Improved academic Provide tutoring each week to enrolled boys <br /> performance. Seventy-five percent (75%) of including a designated study hour each week. <br /> the program participants will increase their Provide classroom Instruction each Saturday <br /> GPA (grade point average) by a minimum of morning from 9 :00 a.m. — 12 : 00 p.m. in critical <br /> 25% by the end of the school term each year. core subjects. Measuring tools — Brigance <br /> Comprehensive Inventory of Basic Skills pre- <br /> post test, report cards and progress reports. <br /> OBJECTIVE #2 : Decreased <br /> negative/disruptive behavior. Sixty five percent <br /> (65%) of the participants will reduce the Provide rap sessions for enrolled boys weekly. <br /> number of school behavior referrals for Provide mentoring with positive role models <br /> disruptive behavior, including bullying and on a weekly basis. Provide character/self <br /> aggression toward peers and adults, as esteem training sessions, and conflict <br /> measured by school disciplinary records and resolution. Measuring tools : Entrance Behavior <br /> weekly parent behavior report forms . Description Report — reviewed beginning, mid <br /> and end of year-collect and monitor school <br /> OBJECTIVE #3 Raise Awareness level of behavior and discipline forms. <br /> chemical addictions, STD and HIV for enrolled <br /> boys. Eighty-five percent (85%) of the boys Invite guest speakers from the Substance <br /> will show increased knowledge of drug abuse Abuse Council, Indian River County Health <br /> addictions and effects, STD, and HIV by the Department, and other agencies . Training <br /> end of the program each year as indicated in sessions will be held by Substance Abuse <br /> pre and post surveys and questionnaires. Council, IRC Health Department, and other <br /> Agencies that will address alcohol, drug abuse, <br /> STD, HIV, abstinence, etc. Measuring tools: <br /> pre-post tests/questionnaire. The Institute will <br /> OBJECTIVE $W Increase community hold a minimum of four sessions per year. <br /> awareness and develop community attachments <br /> for youth through participation in community Program participants will take part in at least <br /> service projects. three major community service oriented <br /> projects each year, i.e. Habitat for Humanity, <br /> Faith Based projects and community clean-up <br /> events. <br /> 10 <br />