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Organization: St. Peter's Human Services, Inc. Program: St. Peter's Boys Development & Training Institute Founder: Children's Service Council <br /> B. PROGRAM NEED STATEMENT (Entire Section B not to exceed one page) <br /> 1 . a) What is the unacceptable condition requiring change? b) Who has the need? <br /> c) Where do they live? d) Provide local, state, or national trend data, with reference <br /> source, that corroborates that this is an area of need. <br /> a. The unacceptable condition is juvenile delinquency that leads to further lives of <br /> crime, truancy, dropping out of school, low self esteem, etc. because the approach has been only <br /> to lockup the offenders without changing the behaviors. <br /> b. The children in need are the at-risk males between the ages of 7 and 16 who and <br /> discouraged learners, have low self-esteem, stressful family conditions, and have exhibited <br /> problem behaviors, such as school disciplinary referrals, chronic school truancy, repeated school <br /> suspensions, poor academic performance, a history of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs, <br /> rebellion, running away, mental and emotional health issues and those with a history of <br /> delinquent behavior. <br /> c. In Indian River County, 90% of the at-risk males involved in the program are from <br /> the surrounding community. <br /> d. DJJ Report indicates that the specific population of juvenile offenders are those who <br /> according to research are most likely to become chronic and serious offenders if they do not <br /> receive early help. They share certain high-risk factors, including the first offense at age 15 or <br /> younger, poor school performance and truancy, lack of parental supervision, substance abuse <br /> problems and gang affiliation. The profile of Florida Delinquency Report indicates that a total of <br /> 94,228 youth were referred to DJJ during FY 2005-06, presenting 150, 104 delinquency referrals <br /> (unduplicated). The majority of youth referred were males (70%), white (45 %), and were age 15 <br /> and under (49%) at the time of their most serious referral . Recent research indicates that two- <br /> thirds of male juvenile offenders have at least one psychiatric disorder (archives of general <br /> psychiatry 2002). DJJ reports indicate that 49% of the offenders surveyed have a diagnosed <br /> mental disorder. Fourteen percent demonstrated behavior which suggests mental disorder; 35% <br /> had a diagnosed substance-related disorder which suggested substance abuse. Nine percent are <br /> sex offenders and 5% have developmental disabilities. DJJ fact sheet indicates that during <br /> FY2004-05, 82 delinquency referrals were made per 1 ,000 juveniles. <br /> 2. a) Identify similar programs that are currently serving the needs of your targeted <br /> population; b) Explain how these existing programs are under-serving the targeted <br /> population of your program. <br /> There are two programs that serve the targeted population, however neither of the programs are <br /> structured to address the additional areas provided through the Boys Development Institute. <br /> 1 a. Gifford Youth Activity Center provides an after school day program for all youth, not just <br /> males. 1 b. The program does not provide many of the services rendered by our program i .e. <br /> mentoring, community services, Life Skills, Drug Awareness and Character Education, overnight <br /> stay on site, meals, recreational, and academic support and tracking the boys for six months after <br /> successful completion of the program through DJJ, schools and parents. <br /> 2a. Hope Academy provides an alternative day program for suspended students from public <br /> schools, while the Boys Institute seeks to serve the social, emotional and academic needs of the <br /> child, ensuring that all areas are addressed. <br /> 5 <br />