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i <br />63. General Revenue 4600.00 p <br />11. Courthouse Furniture 20000.10 <br />B Contingencies 7,105.00 <br />TOTAL $2.9105.00 $7,105.00 <br />p <br />The Board discussed the keeping of a complete property record and upon Motion made <br />by Commissioner Macdonald, seconded by Commissioner Hamilton and carried, the following Resolutl on <br />was adopted: <br />R E S O L U T I O N <br />That all of the Public Officials, Officers, Departments and Agencies having possession <br />!', of capital items of equipment, machinery, furniture and fixtures, are requested to submit to III!I <br />the Board of County Commissioners a card record, setting forth on a card a complete description <br />of each single item in order that the Commissioners may maintain a continuous running card file <br />property record system of all property belonging to the County. Each person is requested to <br />use one individual card for one single item and to use the standard form and card size furnishes <br />by the County so that the records may be uniform, and that each Official, etc., be requested to <br />keep this property.!. record current by?additions and deletions as they occur. <br />The Board also discussed a purchase order or rgquisition system and it was decided <br />that Deputy Clerk, Katherine Morrison and County Engineer, Ed Schmucker should go to Stuart <br />and look over their system and report back to the Board. <br />The County Engineer reported to the County Commissioners that he had during the past <br />several months been taking borings in lands in the South part of the County to find land that <br />had sufficient marl and road building material to warrant establishing a County pit for use <br />in maintaining the roads of the County, and that after testing.many parcels of property he had <br />been able to find only one parcel of property that had sufficient underlying marl to warrant est', <br />tablishing it as a county marl pit, and that was the East 10 acres of the Test 20 acres of <br />Tract 2, Section 21, Township 33 S, Range 39 East, according to Plat of Indian River Farms <br />Company in Indian River County, Florida, owned by B. D. Frazier, 310 7th Ave, South, Charleston,;,, <br />hWest Virginia. That he had offered to sell said parcel to the County, and that he had <br />investigated the price and found it would be reasonable and in line with the existing sale p <br />lof similar adjoining property. Thereupon by Motion made by Commissioner Macdonald, seconded <br />x <br />9by Commissioner McCullers and carried, the Board authorized the County Engineer to negotiate !i <br />with the owner for the pruchase of this land b the County, the rice and terms to be set forth �, <br />Y Y P <br />by the contract to be later approved by the Board. <br />There being no further business, upon Motion, made, seconded and carried, the Board <br />then adjourned. <br />MENEM "09 <br />03 TIMM I M. - <br />ATTEST: <br />CLERK <br />• <br />1 <br />1 <br />u <br />1 <br />0 <br />1 <br />1 <br />�J <br />