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Early Leammgtoalition oMdian Rivet, Martin & ­Okeeehobe Copntim,Inc: <br /> Worl4ng Poor Ma'tcL / � <br /> PROPOSAL NARRATIVE <br /> Please respond to each question in the allotted space for each section. In responding to each <br /> section of the proposal narrative, please retain the section-label and question that you are <br /> addressing. Do not change the Times New Roman 12 pt. font or other settings. Directions, such <br /> as these, may be deleted if space is needed, but again, do NOT delete the Section headers or the <br /> numbered questions <br /> A. ORGANIZATION CAPABILITY (Entire Section A not to exceed one page. fox ivil <br /> exrignt� as 'vou`.t�tie;'1 <br /> 1 . Provide the mission statement and vision of your organization. <br /> The mission of ELCIRMO is : "Provide quality opportunities for social, physical, emotional , <br /> and intellectual development of children, by partnering with parents, providers, and <br /> communities ." <br /> Our vision is to : "Ensure quality resources and environments that prepare all children for a <br /> successful educational experience." <br /> 2. Provide a brief summary of your organization including areas of expertise, <br /> accomplishments, and population served. <br /> The Early Learning Coalition of Indian River, Martin, and Okeechobee Counties, Inc. <br /> (ELCIRMO) is defined and described in sections 411 .01 and 1002, Florida Statutes. The <br /> Coalition was originally created in 1999 as a School Readiness Coalition and became an Early <br /> Learning Coalition with the signing of the VPK legislation on January 2, 2005 . ELCIRMO <br /> offers subsidized child care assistance and programs that give children a competitive start in life . <br /> ELCIRMO is responsible for the planning and implementation of School Readiness and <br /> Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten services in the three county areas. The Coalition is responsible for <br /> making decisions to meet the early education and child care needs of the children in our <br /> communities . <br /> The Coalition sets priorities that are relevant to the children and families in the communities we <br /> serve. In addition to providing financial assistance for families, we offer support, training and <br /> resources to community providers who serve in excess of 3800 children daily. We serve children <br /> and families from all socio-economic backgrounds through a network of Child Care and <br /> Resource and Referral programs. Our computerized data system allows trained counselors to <br /> track both supply and demand for all types of child care services on a daily basis. Parents seeking <br /> quality child care have a variety of options including center-based care, family child care, after- <br /> school care, preschool, summer camp, nanny information, odd hour, and sick care. <br /> Along with Resource and Referral services, we work to enhance both the quality and supply of <br /> care through recruitment and training programs. Whether seeking to provide family child care in <br /> their homes or planning to open a child care center, we offer start-up and technical assistance, as <br /> well as follow-up training and support. <br /> 3 <br />