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` y r <br /> The Center for Emotional and Behavioral Health @IRIM- Camp Manatee Therapeutic Summer Camp — IRC- CSAC <br /> Be PROGRAM NEED STATEMENT (Entire Section B not to exceed one page) <br /> 1 . a) What is the unacceptable condition requiring change? b) Who has the need ? <br /> c) Where do they live? d) Provide local, state, or national trend data, with reference <br /> source, that corroborates that this is an area of need. <br /> Children diagnosed with the psychiatric disorder, ADHD, are lacking a comprehensive day <br /> camp in the summer designed to meet their special needs and dispense medications . The <br /> children are ages 5 though 14 with the last two years designed as leadership skill and work <br /> skill development for previously enrolled campers who reside in Indian River county. <br /> _ According to http :// .asp <br /> ADHD, which is the most commonly diagnosed behavioral disorder of childhood, occurs in 3 <br /> to 5 percent of school-age children in a 6-month period (Anderson et al., 1987; Bird et al. , <br /> 1988; Esser et al., 1990; Pelham et al. , 1992; Shaffer et al ., 1996c; Wolraich et al., 1996). <br /> Pediatricians report that approximately 4 percent of their patients have ADHD (Wolraich et <br /> al., 1990), but in practice the diagnosis is often made in children who meet some, but not all, <br /> of the criteria recommended in DSM-IV (Wolraich et al., 1990) (see also Treatment later in <br /> this section). Boys are four times more likely to have the illness than girls are (Ross & Ross, <br /> 1982). The disorder is found in all cultures, although prevalences differ; differences are <br /> thought to stem more from differences in diagnostic criteria than from differences in <br /> presentation (DSM-IV). <br /> 2. a) Identify similar programs that are currently serving the needs of your targeted <br /> population ; b) Explain how these ezisting programs are under-serving the targeted <br /> population of your program. <br /> -Sandy Pines ADHD Summer Program — Jensen Beach, Fl — closed program due to for-profit <br /> business and could not meet financials. No outcome data available. <br /> -Milestone Charter School, Brevard County Public Schools — In the years past, had a summer <br /> camp for ADHD, which modeled the program after Camp Manatee Therapeutic Summer Camp. <br /> School principal collaborated with Camp Manatee Manager to institute program in Brevard due to <br /> success of their children attending Camp Manatee. No outcome data available due to closing of <br /> the camp <br /> No other program like this currently exists in FL; however, several programs throughout the <br /> USA exist and are ` sleep-over' camps . <br /> 5 <br />