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Mie Center for Emotional and Behavioral Health(?)IRMH — Parenting Education Group — IRC- CSAC <br /> B . PROGRAM NEED STATEMENT (Entire Section B not to exceed one page) <br /> 1 . a) What is the unacceptable condition requiring change ? b) Who has the need ? <br /> c) Where do they live? d) Provide local, state, or national trend data, with reference <br /> source, that corroborates that this is an area of need . <br /> Children diagnosed with psychiatric disorders or who have problematic behavioral problems do <br /> not always respond to conventional parenting approaches. Usually a more sophisticated <br /> parenting approach is required to better manage these children. These new parenting skills <br /> improve the behavior or the children and reduce the distress in the family. The Parenting <br /> Education Group provides this skill. This type of parenting group is lacking in Indian River <br /> County. <br /> <' Ac¢ cording to a national survey titled Speaking of Kids ( 1991b) reports that a majority of <br /> 1i4=` . . ,. .. <br /> American adults, regardless of age, race, marital; or parental status believe that it is harder to be <br /> a parent today than it used to be (88 percent) and that parents today often are uncertain about <br /> what . is the right thing to do in raising their children (86 percent)_ Therefore based on this <br /> I <br /> statistic, parent education groups would be an asset for the parents of Indian River <br /> County. Furthermore, an estimated 1245% of all children suffer mental disorders; <br /> approximately 10% have received treatment in the past. year (NatI- Iional Commission on Children, <br /> 1991x): - Nearly' 500, 000 Amencair children novi� live in" hospitals; detention facilities, and foster u' <br /> homes That number is expected to climb` to more than 840 000 by 1995 (House Select <br /> Committee 'if hild ren, Youtlian&F amilies 1989) n y u <br /> an �. �:. <br /> �m <br /> 2. a) Identify similar programs that are currently serving the needs of your targeted <br /> population ; b) Explain how these existing programs are under-serving the targeted <br /> population of your program . <br /> Although there are other parenting groups in Indian River County, none offer the clinical <br /> expertise and education to parent children that have psychiatric and/or behavior problems, that <br /> we are aware Of. <br /> ! t > <br /> eY�z �" tit A _ ` <br /> ydt f vIA <br /> mmr <br /> F h <br /> w01 ' ¢ 1 r <br /> 1 ' <br /> f <br />