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r, f <br /> The Center for Emotional and Behavioral Health-Child/Adolescent Psychiatric Mental Health Clinic-IRC CSAC <br /> 4. List staffing needed for your program , including required experience and estimated <br /> hours per week in program for each staff member and /or volunteers (this section <br /> should conform with the information in the Position Listing on the Budget Narrative <br /> Worksheet) . <br /> { <br /> Child/adolescent psychiatrist for 8 hours per week . This includes comprehensive evaluation, <br /> follow up visits, treatment plan coordination, and collaboration with school and family . <br /> 5. How will the target population be made aware of the program ? <br /> The target population will be made aware of the program through active collaboration with <br /> Indian River County Schools, health department, mental health association, substance abuse <br /> council , mental health program office, and local health care providers . In addition, information <br /> will be mailed to all of the above agencies along with all other agencies receiving funds from <br /> Indian River County Children ' s Services Advisory Committee . <br /> Ongoing community outreach programs at schools and others communities will also be utilized <br /> to market the program . <br /> 6. How will the program be accessible to target population (i. e., location, transportation , <br /> hours of operation ) ? <br /> The outpatient clinic is located at Center for Emotional and Behavioral Health, across the street <br /> from Indian River Memorial Hospital and easily accessible from US 1 or Indian River Boulevard . <br /> Parents or responsible adults will be expected to provide transportation . The program is <br /> available Monday through Friday 10 a . m . to 5 p . m . <br /> 8 <br />