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n , <br /> y <br /> The Center for Emotional and Behavioral Health-Child/Adolescent Psychiatric Mental Health Clinic-IRC CSAC <br /> B . PROGRAM NEED STATEMENT (Entire Section B not to exceed one page) <br /> 1 . a) What is the unacceptable condition requiring change ? B) Who has the need ? <br /> I c) Where do they live? d ) Provide local, state, or national trend data, with reference <br /> source, that corroborates that this is an area of need . <br /> Loss of function in a child ' s life as a result of stress or psychiatric disorder interferes with their <br /> ability to perform in school, maintain relationships and meet the ordinary demands of life . <br /> As reported in the proceedings based on the surgeon general ' s conference on the mental health, <br /> the nation is facing a public crisis in mental healthcare for infants, children, and adolescents . <br /> Many children have mental health problems that interfere with normal development and <br /> functioning . <br /> "In the United States, one in ten children and adolescents suffer form mental illness severe <br /> enough to cause some level of impairments (Burns et al . , 1995 ; Shaffer, et al . , 1996 ) Yet in any <br /> given year, it is estimated that about one in five of such children receive specialty mental health <br /> services (Burns et al . , 1995 ) . Unmet need for services remains as high now as it was 20 years <br /> ago . Recent evidence compiled by the World Health Organization indicates that by the year <br /> 2020, childhood neuropsychiatric disorders will rise proportionately by over 50 percent, <br /> internationally, to become one of the five most common causes of morbidity, mortality, and <br /> disability among children . There is broad evidence that the nation lacks a unified infrastructure <br /> to help these children who are not identified as having mental health problems and who do not <br /> receive services end up in jail . Children and families are suffering because of missed <br /> opportunities for prevention and early identification, fragmented treatment services, and low <br /> priorities for resources . " ( Surgeon Generals Conference on Mental Health, June 2000) <br /> This program seeks to provide early intervention for children suffering form psychiatric & <br /> mental health disorders to prevent debilitation effects of mental illness and maintain function . <br /> 2. a) Identify similar programs that are currently serving the needs of your targeted <br /> population ; b) Explain how these existing programs are under-serving the targeted <br /> population of your program . <br /> Similar programs available for Indian River County residents are limited to Suncoast Mental <br /> Health Center which provides a child psychiatrist for 2 days a month for up to 8 - 16 hours a <br /> month . <br /> Center for Emotional and Behavioral Health currently has 350 patients in the outpatient clinic . <br /> The number of children enrolled in fiscal year 2003 was 300, representing a 16 percent increase <br /> in children accepting service . As per the national trend data, this may only represent 50 percent <br /> of the children needing services . Pediatricians in the area re not comfortable treating psychiatric <br /> disorders and defer such treatment to psychiatrists . Therefore it is a reasonable assumption that <br /> children ' s mental health services will continue to be a priority need . Center for Emotional and <br /> Behavioral Health was able to accommodate for the growth because of funding from the <br /> Children ' s Services Advisory Committee . <br /> 6 <br />
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