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Edit this Header. Type the organization and program name and the funder for whom it is being completed . The page # is already set at the <br /> bottom right <br /> of every page. <br /> B . PROGRAM NEED STATEMENT (Entire Section B not to exceed one page) <br /> 1 . a) What is the unacceptable condition requiring change ? b) Who has the need ? <br /> C) Where do they live ? d) Provide local, state, or national trend data, with reference <br /> source, that corroborates that this is an area of need. <br /> t� # 1 Students that are suspended from school and are left at home with no adult supervision <br /> become at-risk. With additional unaccounted time they are subject to engage in , <br /> promiscuity, drug, alcohol, or juvenile crime. #2 Practically all of suspended students <br /> return to school with incomplete or no assignments done at all. #3 students are penalized <br /> because of a bad choice, yet the return to school with no instructions on behavior <br /> modification or coping skills . #4 suspensions are unexcused absentees. Too many <br /> absentees led to an automatic grade reduction. When unexcused absentees are reported to <br /> the state, allocated funds to the School District are reduced. Family dynamic are a major <br /> factor in improving the behavior or children. Most parents of suspended student need <br /> additional knowledge on coping skills and effective parenting methods . <br /> b) Over 1 ,484 Indian River County students were suspended last year according to data <br /> collected from our District Informational Service Department. Although 1484 students <br /> were suspended, there were 1534 suspensions. Many of these student, if left home alone, <br /> are prone to engage in additional deviant behavior. <br /> 2. a) Identify similar programs that are currently serving the needs of your targeted <br /> population ; b) Explain how these existing programs are under-serving the targeted <br /> population of your program. <br /> There Aren ' t any other program similar to ours . We are the only program for suspended <br /> students in this county. <br /> 6 <br />