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Last modified
7/23/2015 9:41:24 AM
Creation date
6/9/2015 3:52:43 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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0 <br />1 <br />11 <br />1 <br />0 <br />of that highway, then as to each and all such parcels this zoning change shall not become <br />effective until such right of way is conveyed. <br />Resolution. <br />All within the meaning and intent and as -,-set forth and described in said Zoning <br />Mr. Billman appeared before the Board and stated that he had bought an old Sub- <br />division known as Lone Palm Park and also bought a ten acre piece of land adjoining which he <br />was platting. He stated that he had put the mads, drainage ditches, etc. in the new subdivis <br />which he put on record and was appearing before the Board and requesting that the County open <br />up the streets, ditches, etc. in the old subdivision which he bought. The Board discussed <br />the matter somewhat and decided that Commissioners Waddell and Graves would go with the County <br />Engineer and look over the ground and report back to the Board at the next regular meeting. <br />A Resolution was read from the School Board requesting 40 acres of land owned by <br />the County South and West of the present High School Building to be used for the purpose of <br />building a new High School. The Commissioners decided to table this matter until they could <br />get with Mr. J. A. Thompson, Superintendent of Public Instruction and view the land owned by <br />the County. <br />Sheriff Sam Joyce appeared before the Board requesting an Item to Item Transfer for <br />additional funds in his budget with which to purchase auto equipment. Upon Motion made by <br />Commissioner Waddell, seconded by"'Commissioner Macdonald and unanimously carried, the following <br />R, solution was adopted: <br />R E S O L U T I O N <br />WHEREAS, there is a total surplus of $41639.00 in the Fine & Forfeiture Fund of <br />Indian River County under some items and which surplus exists after the payment of all <br />necessary expenditures under such items for the current fiscal year; and <br />WHEREAS, there is a deficiency in funds necessary to provide for the proper and <br />authorized expenditures under some items and in the Fine and Forfeiture Fund; and <br />WHEREAS, said items mentioned are a part of the same fund and the transfer from one <br />item to another item in the same fund and is not a transfer from one fund to another fund; <br />therefore, <br />BE IT RESOLVED that there is herewith transferred the sum of $4,630.00 from some <br />where there is a surplus to the items where there is a deficiency, according to detailed state -1 <br />ment attached, all in the Fine & Forfeiture Fund of the current budget of Indian River County <br />as provided by law. <br />Item to Item Transfers <br />EXPENDITURES <br />ASC <br />824. <br />361. <br />Name <br />Sheriff's Equipment <br />Inquest- Physicians fees <br />TRANSFERS <br />To From <br />$4490.00 <br />140.00 <br />Sheriff's Reserve for Contingencies <br />County's Reserve for Contingencies <br />$4490.00 <br />140.00 <br />$4630.00 $4630.00 <br />
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