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Organization: Exchange Club CASTLE Program: Valued Visits <br /> Funder: Children's Services Advisory Committee RFP# 2006061 <br /> B. PROGRAM NEED STATEMENT (Entire Section B not to exceed one page) <br /> 1 . a) What is the unacceptable condition requiring change? b) Who has the need? <br /> c) Where do they live? d) Provide local, state or national trend data, with reference <br /> source, that corroborates that this is an area of need . <br /> What: The unacceptable condition requiring change is contact between a parent and child that <br /> puts the child at risk. The child is at risk for abuse, at risk of witnessing domestic violence <br /> between parents, and at risk of being used in a manipulative manner by estranged parents. <br /> Following Florida law, visitation rights are often ordered between a parent and child, even if the <br /> parent poses a risk to that child, or has hurt that child in the past. It is unacceptable that these <br /> visits take place in the community, without supervision, placing the child, the ex-spouse, and the <br /> general community in jeopardy. <br /> Who : Children who are at risk of abuse, or are from homes where domestic violence is present. <br /> Where: Last year, parents were served in all parts of Indian River County <br /> Provide Data : In Indian River County, in 2004-2005 , there were 314 children in foster care; <br /> there were a total of 490 domestic violence crimes; there were 698 child abuse investigations. <br /> These children are eligible for Valued Visits, should visiting a parent pose a risk. (FDLE crime <br /> reports, DCF abuse hotline statistics). <br /> A recent study of children in foster care found that for children 0-6 years old, supervised <br /> visitation resulted in: more visits with biological parents, fewer behavioral problems, and a <br /> shorter stay in foster care, than for children who did not have supervised visitation, (Family <br /> Relations, April issue, 2004) . <br /> [2. a) Identify similar programs that are currently serving the needs of your targeted <br /> population; b) Explain how these existing programs are under-serving the targetedpopulation of your program. <br /> here are no other supervised visitation centers in Indian River County. Before Valued Visits <br /> pened, supervised visit occurred in the offices of Department of Children and Family <br /> caseworkers, the homes of relatives, at fast food restaurants, or in police station lobbies . Visits <br /> in these locations were often poorly supervised, and inadequately secure . Research shows that <br /> the majority of visits scheduled under these conditions were cancelled and did not occur as <br /> scheduled, which does not allow the parent/child relationship to mend. <br /> 5 <br />
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