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1 <br />1 <br />Is <br />1 <br />0 <br />1 <br />D <br />The Chairman stated that Mr. George S. Owen of the Wabasso Civic Club called and <br />requested that the Board of County Commissioners pay the salary of the lifeguard at Wabasso <br />Beach for the next two or three months. After some discussion in the matter and upon Motion <br />made by Commissioner Waddell, seconded by Commissioner McCullers and unanimously carried, <br />the Board requested the Deputy Clerk write Mr. Owen and inform him that in as much as this <br />item has not been included in the present budget that they are unable to pay for a lifeguard <br />at this time and if he would like such an item included in the 1959-60 budget that he should <br />submit a formal request in writing by June 30th. <br />A letter was received from Indian River Hospital requesting the $15,000.00 in race <br />track funds which was included inour current budget to be paid to the hospital. The Deputy <br />Clerk stated that all race track funds included in the current budget had not been received <br />and at the present we had collected all but $2,500.00. Upon Motion made by Commissioner Waddell; <br />seconded by Commissioner McCullers and unanimously carried, the Board authorized that a payment <br />be made to the hospital of $12,500.00 and that a letter be written to Mr. Paul Goodridge that <br />our collections were short and at such time that the balance was received that a further check <br />would be forthcoming. <br />A letter was read from Mrs. Anne Christensen requesting a six months leave of <br />absence beginning July 1st or as soon after that date as a replacement can be found. Upon <br />Motion made by Commissioner Waddell, seconded by Commissioner Hamilton and unanimously carried, <br />the Board granted Mrs. Christensen's request for a leave of absence to start as soon as a <br />replacement is available. <br />A letter was received and read from Reynolds, Smith & Hills, Architects and <br />Engineers stating that they have been retained by Brevard County Commissioners to represent <br />them on water control matters with the Flood Control District and Corps of Engineers and <br />suggesting that since we have a lot of land in the upper St. John's River basis that our Board <br />wish to also retain them. After some discussion, the Board decided to file the letter <br />for the present. <br />Forrest McCullars, County Agent, submitted his budget for the coming year and the <br />Board ordered same filed until such time as they started work on the budget. <br />Upon Motion made by Commissioner Waddell, seconded by Commissioner McCullers and <br />imously carried, the Clerk was asked to write a memorandum informing all offices to submit <br />a budget for the coming year to the Clerk by June 30, 1959. <br />Mr. Dave Albrecht developer of Albrecht Grove Subdivison appeared before the Board <br />requested help from the Board in the amount of $1,000.00 to pay for the surfacing of the <br />into his subdivision from Road 60, which was the right of way for Road 60 before it was <br />igned. The Board after some discussion decided not to make any decision at this time. <br />Mrs.. Anne Christensen, County Welfare Worker appeared before the Board and gave <br />report of her activities for the month of May and said report was ordered filed. <br />The County Engineer gave a report as to progress of several secondary road <br />rojects and U.S #1. <br />