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Children's Services Advisory Contract
Catholic Charities of Diocese of Palm Beach, Samaritan Center
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Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Palm Beach <br /> Samaritan Center for homeless families <br /> program and to offer helpful advice/ 'dance as needed. <br /> 4. List staffing needed for your program, including required experience and estimated hours per <br /> week in program for each staff member and/or volunteers (this section should conform with the <br /> information in the Position Listing on the Budget Narrative Worksheet). <br /> Samaritan Center Maintains a 24 hour, 7 day per week staffing pattern. While it is desired that all staff <br /> have residential experience, this is not always possible. All staff receive a comprehensive formal training <br /> at the site level and at the Diocesan level and receive ongoing staff development opportunities. Senior <br /> support staff provide 5 shifts of training to all new support employees before they begin working solo. <br /> Professional Positions Support Positions <br /> One p/t Division Director 4. 5 hr/wk One f/t Adm. Asst./Vol. Coord. 40 hr/wk <br /> One Ft Administrator 37. 5 hr/wk One f/t Clerical Asst. 40 hr/wk <br /> One 17t Case Manager 37. 5 hr/wk One ph Children' s Coord. 40 hr/wk <br /> One IN Resident Manager 37. 5 hr/wk <br /> One On Line Community Coord. 37. 5 hr/wk <br /> Support Positions Support Positions <br /> Two f/t Support Staff 40 hr/wk Two p/t Support 16 hr/wk <br /> Four f/t Support Staff 32 hr/wk Substitutes as needed approx. 8- 16 firs. wk. <br /> 5. How will the target population be made aware of the program? <br /> The target group is made aware of the program through a wide variety of opportunities as follows: <br /> a. Presentations to community civic and church groups <br /> b. Participation / networking with other social service organizations <br /> c. Presentations and bulletin announcements to Churches <br /> d. Law Enforcement agencies <br /> e. Current and former resident word of mouth <br /> f. Labor Force <br /> g. Annual mailings to Churches and Service Providers regarding services provided. <br /> Media opportunities including newspaper article, quarterly Samaritan Newsletter, distribution of <br /> brochures, fundraising activities, radio & TV talk shows. <br /> 6. How will the program be accessible to target population (ie., location, transportation, hours of <br /> operation)? <br /> Samaritan Center holds an orientation/screening for those families seeking shelter. This includes drug <br /> testing and background checks for all family members over the age of 18. This must be completed prior <br /> to a family moving into the facility and these are done by appointment. These families are usually able <br /> to transport themselves or secure transportation through a family member, friend, etc. On the rare <br /> occasion that they are unable to reach us on their own, we will provide transportation via the Center Van. <br /> Once a family has moved into the Center, if they do not have their own vehicle, we encourage them to be <br /> resourceful in attempts to find transportation through the community bus, or family/friends. If they are <br /> unsuccessful, we do provide transportation to their case related appointments (ex. Medical, employment, <br /> school, court, off premises educational workshops and Samaritan Center planned Social Activities). We <br /> do not provide transport for personal outings. We are very fortunate to periodically have vehicles donated <br /> to our program. We in tum, donate the vehicle to a resident that is without transportation to their <br /> employment, necessary appointments, groceries, etc. . <br /> 7 <br />
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