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Childcare Resources of Indian River, Inc. Psychological Services Children's Services Advisory Committee <br /> B. PROGRAM NEED STATEMENT (Entire Section B not to exceed one age) <br /> 1 . a) What is the unacceptable condition requiring change? b) Who has the need? c) Where do <br /> they live? d) Provide local, state, or national trend data, with reference source, that corroborates <br /> that this is an area of need. a. A percentage of all families face problems and stresses and need <br /> professional psychological intervention. Recent research indicates that more children three and under <br /> suffer from emotional stress, like adults, "but they lack the coping mechanisms years of living bring" <br /> (Florida Association for Infant Mental Health, 2003). Childcare Resources' targeted population is more <br /> economically needy, and these families historically face life challenges to a greater degree than the <br /> general population. Consequently, they exhibit a greater need for psychological support. Indian River <br /> County lacks sufficient psychological services to serve low-income families with mental health needs . In <br /> addition, there are challenges in identifying families with such needs and encouraging them to take <br /> advantage of available. resources. Childcare Resources centers lack clinical staff and the financial <br /> resources to independently contract with mental health professionals. <br /> Problems in the classroom that cannot be handled within the capabilities of the staff often result in the <br /> expulsion of the child in crisis . Teacher requests for therapeutic intervention center on the number of <br /> children (total class, not just Childcare Resources) exhibiting inappropriate anger towards both fellow <br /> students and teachers. <br /> b. The targeted population is Childcare Resources families who demonstrate a need for psychological <br /> services in one or more of the following areas : <br /> 1) Children who exhibit behavioral, developmental, and/or emotional difficulties that seriously <br /> impact their chances for school and life success. <br /> 2) Parents who deal with issues like : abuse, divorce, depression, anxiety, custody, substance <br /> abuse or significant health problems. <br /> 3) Parents with "special needs" children in the family who need support. <br /> 4) Childcare Resources centers need the opportunity to receive on-site professional <br /> psychological/behavioral support. <br /> c. Those in need appear to be spread evenly throughout Indian River County. <br /> d. The National Mental Health Association tells us that although one in five children has a diagnosable <br /> mental health problem, nearly two-thirds of them get little or no help. Untreated mental health problems <br /> can disrupt children' s functioning at home, school and in the community. Without treatment, children <br /> with mental health issues are at increased risk of school failure, contact with the criminal justice system, <br /> dependence on social services, and even suicide. <br /> Professional services are only recommended after efforts by the Childcare Resources staff and center <br /> staff have been exhausted. <br /> 2. a) Identify similar programs that are currently serving the needs of your targeted population; b) <br /> Explain how these existing programs are under-serving the targeted population of your program. <br /> a. Childcare Resources is the only program in the County that ties psychological services, including <br /> direct intervention to the funding of childcare. In previous years the Early Learning Coalition had a small <br /> amount of funding for a large population of children but even that is no longer available . <br /> Application for 2006-2007 service period 5 <br />