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' Mbism Children's Center HOPE (Hcdit Opporhunbcs for P210=9 Excellence) Prog<sm Children's Services Advisory Cammit�e <br /> D. MEASURABLE OUTCOMES (Entire Section D not to exceed two pages) <br /> OUTCOMES • ACTIVITIES <br /> Add all ojrthe a or the Measurable outcomes Add the tasks to accomplish the Outcome(s) <br /> 1 . At least 95% of active families will have la. Maintain list of families served. <br /> no verified reports of abuse or neglect lb. Provide a list of families served to UFF for <br /> during service provision as measured by identification of families with verified <br /> UFF, cases of abuse or neglect. <br /> ic. Receive data back from UFF and determine <br /> percentages, <br /> I d. Review the families with verified cases and <br /> determine strategies to prevent further <br /> occurrences. <br /> 2. Maintain at least 95% of families, 2a. Administer and score AAPI as part of <br /> completing services Successfiillyshowing initial assessment course of action for each <br /> improvement in one domain of their family and include in the family safety <br /> parenting abilities through the use of the plan. <br /> Adult Adolescent Parentis inventory 2b. Administer and score AAPI as part of post <br /> (AAPI) as a pre and post test 45+ days after test for families successfully completing <br /> services being implemented. services. <br /> 2c. Individual data is to be maintained in the <br /> client files and entered into the quarterly <br /> peer record reports. <br /> 2d. If percentages are not met a corrective <br /> action plan will be developed in response <br /> to the quarterly peer review and monitored <br /> through the next peer review. <br /> 2e. Data will be trended using an established <br /> data management system. <br /> 3 . For those clients who successfully 3a. Families will be given a satisfaction survey <br /> complete the program 95% of client by their HOPE counselor upon <br /> satisfaction surveys will indicate a completion of services. <br /> satisfactory or better rating. 3b. Satisfaction surveys will be reviewed and <br /> analyzed quarterly as part of the CQI <br /> Process, <br /> 3c. Data will be trended using an established <br /> data management system. <br /> 4. 951/o of families completing the HOPE 4a. The HOPE counselor together with the <br /> Program will demonstrate knowledge and client family will develop a discharge plan <br /> competency in accessing community resources inclusive of community resources, phone <br /> on their own by identifying three relevant numbers, names and directions on making <br /> resources for their family with the resources a self referral for future assistance. <br /> name and instructions on how to make a self 4b. Data will be trended using an established <br /> referral. data ement s stem. <br /> 7 <br />