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Organization: Exchange Club CASTLE Program Name : Safe Families <br /> Funder: Children' s Services Advisory Committee RFP #6067 <br /> F. PROGRAM EVALUATION (Entire Section F not to exceed two pages) <br /> 1 . DEMOGRAPHICS : What information (data elements) will you need to collect in order <br /> to accurately describe your target population including demographics (age, gender, and <br /> ethnic background) required by the funder in Section H ? What are the pieces of <br /> information that qualify them for your target population ? How do you document their <br /> need for services or their " unacceptable condition requiring change" from Section Bl ? <br /> Age, gender, ethnicity, marital status , and address are collected upon intake . Eligibility for the <br /> program requires that children ages 0- 18 must be living in the home. Families must exhibit at <br /> least one risk factor on a child abuse risk factor checklist to be enrolled . Families who pose an <br /> imminent risk of harm to their children are referred to another program. Intake and eligibility <br /> information are assessed during an Initial Needs Assessment, which takes place during the first <br /> home visit. <br /> 2 . MEASURES : What data elements will you need to collect to show that you have <br /> achieved (or made progress toward) your Measurable Outcomes in Section D ? What <br /> tools or items are you using as measures (grades , survey scores , attendance, absences , <br /> skill levels) for your program? Are you getting baseline information from a source on <br /> your Collaboration List in Section E ? Are there results from your Activities in Section <br /> D that need to be documented ? How often do you need to collect or follow- up on this <br /> data? <br /> Outcome 1 (to reduce risk factors associated with abused is measured by a risk assessment tool <br /> that lists the risk factors identified at intake (see appendix) . Identified risk factors become the <br /> focus of intervention until they are resolved . Risk is assessed at least quarterly <br /> Outcome 2 (to maintain the reduction in risk factors) : is measured by a follow-up phone survey <br /> done one year after completion of the program, with families who complete the program <br /> successfully. <br /> Outcome 3 (to increase protective factors associated with a lower risk of child abuse) : is <br /> measured by a protective factor assessment tool that lists the protective factors identified at <br /> intake, and subsequently (see appendix) . Identified protective factors are a focus of intervention <br /> once risk factors have been reduced . Protective factors are assessed at least quarterly. <br /> Outcome 4 (to maintain the increase in protective factors, is measured by a follow-up phone <br /> survey done one year after completion of the program, with families who complete the program <br /> successfully. i <br /> Outcome 5 (no re-reports of abused is measured by the state database on abuse. Families <br /> enrolled in Safe Families for three months or more are checked to see if there have been any <br /> subsequent reports to the child abuse hotline. This check is done quarterly. <br /> Outcome 6 (improve on. post test scored is measured by the AAPI (Adult Adolescent Parenting <br /> Inventory), which is a nationally accepted standardized test that measures parent attitudes and <br /> beliefs . Low scores are associated with an increased risk of abuse ; high scores are associated <br /> with a lower risk of abuse . The test is administered during intake, and prior to closure. <br /> Other data collected include satisfaction surveys from all clients , and completion of family <br /> plan goals , for each family. <br /> 11 <br />