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Organization: Exchange Club CASTLE Program Name: Safe Families <br /> Funder: Children ' s Services Advisory Committee RFP #6067 <br /> C . PROGRAM DESCRIPTION (Entire Section C, I — 6, not to exceed two pages) <br /> 1 . List Priority Needs area addressed. <br /> : Focus Area II : Parental Support and Education <br /> 2 . Briefly describe program activities including location of services . <br /> 1 . Upon receiving a referral, a counselor visits the family, and assesses the need for home-based <br /> parent education (Safe Families) . This is accomplished through interview, observation, and <br /> completion of an initial needs assessment. To avoid duplication or overlap with other service <br /> providers, a review is done of all services being offered to the family. When necessary, and with <br /> consent, other service providers are contacted in order to coordinate services to the family. If <br /> eligible for Safe Families , the family will begin a program of regular visits, and a family plan, <br /> including specific goals, will be developed. The family is an active participant in this process, <br /> collaborating on the initial plan for services . <br /> 2 . Once a family plan is developed, the counselor makes weekly visits to address the family <br /> plan goals . Weekly visits take place for up to one year, with the visits taking place in the <br /> family ' s home, thus increasing the counselor ' s ability to assess the safety of the children, and <br /> evaluate improvements made by the family. Parents remain active participants during the <br /> weekly visits , teaming with their counselor to initiate improved parenting techniques . <br /> 3 . During the weekly visits, counselors use a multifaceted approach to teaching, including <br /> utilizing parenting videos , working through parenting programs , creating behavior management <br /> plans , and establishing family meetings , or other formalized methods to improve family <br /> communication. Positive discipline, and family stability are two over-arching goals . <br /> 4 . All weekly visits are geared toward reducing risk factors (characteristics that increase the <br /> likelihood that abuse will occur) , and increasing protective factors (characteristics that decrease <br /> the likelihood that abuse will occur) . Safe Families has identified the following risk and <br /> protective factors that form the basis of each counselor' s work with a family : <br /> Risk Factors: Lack of parenting knowledge/skills; Parent 's past history of abuse,- <br /> Parent 's <br /> buse,Parent 's history of drug or alcohol abuse, or mental health issues; Poverty/financial stress; <br /> Teen and young parent; Social isolation. <br /> Protective Factors: Housing stability; Delay of subsequent pregnancy; Enrollment in <br /> childcare and health care; Livable wage employment,% Involvement in child 's school. <br /> 5 . Families are tracked for one year after exit from Safe Families to determine if abuse or re- <br /> abuse has occurred. <br /> 3 . Briefly describe how your program addresses the stated need/problem. Describe how <br /> your program follows a recognized " best practice" (see definition on page 12 of the <br /> Instructions) and provide evidence that indicates proposed strategies are effective with <br /> target population . <br /> The stated need or problem is child abuse and neglect. Safe Families addresses child abuse and <br /> neglect by offering long term, home based, parent education and support to build on the parent ' s <br /> knowledge of child development, positive discipline, communication, behavior modification, and <br /> nurturing and bonding . The family ' s relationship with their counselor is a critical element to the <br /> success of the program . Over the course of the program, the counselor guides, supports, coaches <br /> and teaches the parent to create a nurturing, healthy environment for their children. Initially, risk <br /> factors are identified, and addressed, and then protective factors are built upon, so that the family <br /> can remain stable and abuse free long after they graduate from Safe Families . <br /> 6 <br />