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corporation or parcel of land therein described, and in case taxes so <br />imposed are not paid at the time prescribed by law, you are to collect <br />the same by levy and sale of the goods and chattels, lands and tenements <br />so assessed, or of the person or corporation so taxed; and all sums <br />collected for the State taxes you are to pay to the State Treasurer at <br />such time as may be required by law, and at the same time you are to <br />pay to the legally qualified Depository all sums collected for County <br />taxes, district school taxes and other special taxes; and you are further <br />required to make all collections on or before the first Monday in April; <br />and on or before the first Monday in July you will make a final report <br />to and settlement with the Comptroller and County Commissioners. <br />Given under my hand and seal this the 6th day of October in.the year <br />A.D. 1959. <br />Homer C. Fletcher ' <br />Assessor of Taxes, Indian River County <br />THE STATE OF FLORIDA <br />To: Troy E. Moody, Tax Collector of the County of Indian River <br />Your are hereby commanded to collect out of the real estate and <br />personal property, from each of the persons and corporations named in <br />the annexed Intangible Personal Property Assessment Roll, the taxes set <br />down in each roll opposite each name of person, firm or corporation therein <br />described, and in case taxes so imposed are not paid at the time prescribed <br />by law, you are to collect same by levy and sale of goods and chattels, <br />lands and tenements of the person, firm or corporation so taxed; and all <br />sums collected for the State taxes: you are to pay to the State Comptroller <br />at such time as may be required by law; and you are further required to <br />make all collections on or before the first Monday in April; and on or <br />before the first Monday in July you will make a final report to and settle- <br />ment with the Comptroller and County Commissioners. <br />Given under my nand and seal this the 6th day of October, in <br />the year A.D. 1959. <br />Homer C. Fletcher <br />Assessor of Taxes, Indian River County <br />Homer Fletcher, Tax Assessor requested that he be allowed to <br />amend his budget in order to buy a new calculating machine at a cost of <br />$525.00. Upon Motion made by Commissioner McCullers, seconded by Comm- <br />issioner Macdonald and unanimously carried, the Board authorized Mr. <br />Fletcher to amend his budget in order to purchase this new piece of <br />equipment. <br />firs. Gladys Vigliano, County Welfare Case Worker appeared before <br />the Board and gave a report of her activities for the month of September. <br />Said report was ordered filed. Mr. Vigliano further stated she had con- <br />sulted with the Doctor and Mr. Nathaniel Miller would need an additional <br />week in the nursing home and the Board authorized this additional time <br />for Mr. Miller. <br />The Chairman read a letter of resignation from Mrs. Ola B. <br />Thompson, which stated she was resigning because of ill. health. Upon <br />Motion made by Commissioner Waddell, seconded by Commissioner McCullers <br />and carried, the resignation of Mrs. Thompson, Clerk in the County Welfare <br />Office was accepted. <br />