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Florida Department of Environmental Protection
Consent Order South Reverse Osmosis Water Treatment Plant
Discharge Monitoring Reports
South Reverse Osmosis Water Treatment Plant
Project Number
OGC 08-1661
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PART B - DAILY SAMPLE RESULTS <br /> Monitoring Period: Enter the month, day, and year for the first and last day of the monitoring period (i .e. the month, the quarter, the year, etc.) during <br /> which the data on this report were collected and analyzed. <br /> Daily Monitoring Results: Transfer all analytical data from your facility ' s laboratory or a contract laboratory ' s data sheets for all day(s) that samples <br /> were collected. Record the data in the units indicated. Table 1 in Chapter 62- <br /> 160, F.A.C., contains a complete list of all the data qualifier codes that your laboratory may use when reporting analytical results. However, when <br /> transferring numerical results onto Part B of the DMR, only the following data <br /> ualifier codes should be used and an explanation provided where appropriate. <br /> CODE DESCRIPTION/INSTRUCTIONS <br /> < The compound was analyzed for but not detected. <br /> A Value reported is the mean (average) of two or more determinations. <br /> J Estimated value, value not accurate. <br /> Q Sample held beyond the actual holding time. <br /> Y Laboratory analysis was from an un reserved or improperly preserved sample. <br /> Add the results to get the Total and divide by the number of days in the month to get the Monthly Average. <br /> Plant Staffing: List the name, certificate number, and class of all state certified operators operating the facility during the monitoring period. Use <br /> additional sheets as necessary. <br /> PART D - GROUND WATER MONITORING REPORT <br /> Monitoring Period: Enter the month, day, and year for the first and last day of the monitoring period (i .e . the month, the quarter, the year, etc.) <br /> during which the data on this report were collected and analyzed. <br /> Date Sample Obtained: Enter the date the sample was taken. Also, check whether or not the well was purged before sampling. <br /> Time Sample Obtained: Enter the time the sample was taken. <br /> Sample Measurement: Record the results of the analysis. If the result was below the minimum detection limit, indicate that. <br /> Detection Limits : Record the detection limits of the analytical methods used. <br /> Analysis Method: Indicate the analytical method used. Record the method number from Chapter 62- 160 or Chapter 62-601 , F.A.C ., or from other sources. <br /> Sampling Equipment Used: Indicate the procedure used to collect the sample (e.g. airlift, bucket/bailer, centrifugal pump, etc.) <br /> Samples Filtered: Indicate whether the sample obtained was filtered by laboratory (L), filtered in field (F), or unfiltered (N). <br /> Signature: This report must be signed in accordance with Rule 62-620.305 , F.A.C. Type or print the name and title of the signing official. <br />Include the telephone number where the official may be reached in the event there are <br /> questions concerning this report. Enter the date when the report is signed. <br /> Comments and Explanation: Use this space to make any comments on or explanations of results that are unexpected. If more space is needed, reference <br /> all attachments in this area. <br /> SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR LIMITED WET WEATHER DISCHARGES <br /> Flow (Limited Wet Weather Discharge): Enter the measured average flow rate during the period of discharge or divide gallons discharged by duration <br /> of discharge (converted into days). Record in million gallons per day <br /> (MGD). <br /> Flow (Upstream): Enter the average flow rate in the receiving stream upstream from the point of discharge for the period of discharge. The average flow <br /> rate can be calculated based on two measurements; one made at the start <br /> and one made at the end of the discharge period. Measurements are to be made at the upstream gauging station described in the permit. <br /> Actual Stream Dilution Ratio: To calculate the Actual Stream Dilution Ratio, divide the average upstream flow rate by the average discharge flow rate. <br />Enter the Actual Stream Dilution Ratio accurate to the nearest 0. 1 . <br /> No. of Days the SDF > Stream Dilution Ratio : For each day of discharge, compare the minimum Stream Dilution Factor (SDF) from the permit to the calculated <br /> Stream Dilution Ratio. On Part B of the DMR, enter an asterisk <br /> (') if the SDF is greater than the Stream Dilution Ratio on any day of discharge. On Part A of the DMR, add up the days with an """ and record <br />the total number of days the Stream Dilution Factor was greater than the Stream <br /> Dilution Ratio. <br /> CBOD,: Enter the average CBOD., of the reclaimed water discharged during the period shown in duration of discharge. <br /> TKN : Enter the average TKN of the reclaimed water discharged during the period shown in duration of discharge. <br /> Actual Rainfall: Enter the actual rainfall for each day on Part B . Enter the actual cumulative rainfall to date for this calendar year and the actual <br /> total monthly rainfall on Part A. The cumulative rainfall to date for this calendar <br /> year is the total amount of rain, in inches, that has been recorded -since January 1 of the current year through the month for which this DMR contains <br /> data. <br /> Rainfall During Average Rainfall Year: On Part A, enter the total monthly rainfall during the average rainfall year and the cumulative rainfall for the <br /> average rainfall year. The cumulative rainfall for the average rainfall year is <br /> the amount of rain, in inches, which fell during the average rainfall year from January through the month for which this DMR contains data. <br /> No. of Days LW WD Activated During Calendar Year: Enter the cumulative number of days that the limited wet weather discharge was activated since January <br /> 1 of the current year. <br /> Reason for Discharge: Attach to the DMR a brief explanation of the factors contributing to the need to activate the limited wet weather discharge. <br /> DEP Form 62-620.910( 10), effective November 29, 1994 <br />
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