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7 . 7 The insurance companies selected shall send written verification to the <br /> County Risk Manager that they will provide 30 days prior written notice to the County <br /> Risk Manager of its intent to cancel or modify any required policies of insu Rance . <br /> 7 . 8 Consultant shall include all sub-consultants as insured under its policies or <br /> shall furnish separate certificates and endorsements for each sub-corisultant . All <br /> coverages for sub-consultants shall be subject to all of the requirements stated herein . <br /> 7 . 9 The COUNTY , by and through its Risk Manager, rese es the right <br /> periodically to review any and all policies of insurance and reasonably to adjust the <br /> limits of coverage required hereunder, from time to time throughout the term of this <br /> Agreement . In such event , the COUNTY shall provide the Consultant yvith separate <br /> written notice of such adjusted limits and Consultant shall comply within thirty (30 ) days <br /> of receipt thereof. The failure by Consultant to provide such additional coverage shall <br /> constitute a default by Consultant and shall be grounds for termination of this <br /> Agreement by the COUNTY . <br /> 7 . 10 The Consultant shall indemnify and hold harmless the COU 14TY , and its <br /> officers and employees , from liabilities , damages , losses , and costs , including , but not <br /> limited to , reasonable attorneys ' fees , to the extent caused by thE negligence , <br /> recklessness , or intentionally wrongful conduct of the Consultant and other persons <br /> employed or utilized by the Consultant in the performance of this Agreeme it . <br /> 8 . TERMINATION . <br /> 8 . 1 This Agreement may be terminated : ( a ) by the COUNTY , for any reason , <br /> upon thirty (30 ) days ' prior written notice to the Consultant; or ( b ) by the Consultant , for <br /> any reason , upon thirty (30 ) days ' prior written notice to the COUNTY ; or (c) by the <br /> mutual Agreement of the parties ; or d ) as may otherwise be provided below . In the <br /> event of the termination of this Agreement , any liability of one party to the other arising <br /> out of any Services rendered , or for any act or event occurring prior to think termination , <br /> shall not be terminated or released . <br /> 8 . 2 In the event of termination by the COUNTY , the COUNTY's role obligation <br /> to the Consultant shall be payment for those portions of satisfactorily completed work <br /> previously authorized by approved Work Order . Such payment shall be cetermined on <br /> the basis of the hours of work performed by the Consultant , or the perce itage of work <br /> complete as estimated by the Consultant and agreed upon by the COU TY up to the <br /> time of termination . In the event of such termination , the COUNTY may , ithout penalty <br /> or other obligation to the Consultant , elect to employ other persons to perform the same <br /> or similar services . <br /> 8 . 3 The obligation to provide services under this Agreement may be <br /> terminated by either party upon seven ( 7 ) days prior written notice in the event of <br /> substantial failure by the other party to perform in accordance with the terms of this <br /> 9 <br /> F :\Public Works\KeithM\Administrative\Master Agreements for Stormwater Consultants\Master Consultant Contr 3ct - <br /> HYDROMENTIA, INC Master Agreement - 3-3-2005 - Final Version .doc <br />