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I . The Recipient shall be required to ensure expenditures <br /> of state financial assistance be in compliance with <br /> laws , rules , and regulations applicable to expenditures <br /> of state funds , including , but not limited to , the <br /> Reference Guide for State Expenditures ( DFS ) . <br /> J . The Recipient agrees that this agreement may be charged <br /> only with allowable costs resulting from obligations <br /> incurred during the term of this agreement . <br /> K . The Recipient agrees that any balances of unobligated <br /> cash that have been advanced or paid that is not <br /> authorized to be retained for direct program costs in a <br /> subsequent period must be refunded to the state . <br /> The following provisions of A through H are applicable <br /> regarding the administration of resources provided by the <br /> Department to the Recipient of Federal Funds . Those provisions <br /> are applicable if the Recipient is a state or local government or <br /> a nonprofit organization as defined in OMB Circular A- 133 , as <br /> revised . <br /> A . In the event that the Recipient expends $ 500 , 000 or more <br /> in Federal awards in its fiscal year , the Recipient must <br /> have a single or program- specific audit conducted in <br /> accordance with the provisions of OMB Circular A- 133 , as <br /> revised . Exhibit 1 to this agreement indicates Federal <br /> resources awarded through this Department by this <br /> agreement . In determining the Federal awards expended <br /> in its fiscal year , the Recipient shall consider all <br /> sources of Federal awards , including Federal resources <br /> received from this Department . The determination of <br /> amounts of federal awards expended should be in <br /> accordance with the guidelines established by OMB <br /> Circular A- 133 , as revised . An audit of the Recipient <br /> conducted by the Auditor General in accordance with <br /> provisions of OMB <br /> Circular A- 133 , as revised , will meet these <br /> requirements . <br /> B . In connection with these audit requirements , the <br /> Recipient shall fulfill the requirements relative to <br /> auditee responsibilities as provided in Subpart C of OMB <br /> Circular A- 133 , as revised . <br /> C . If the Recipient expends less than $ 500 , 000 in Federal <br /> awards in its fiscal year , an audit conducted in <br /> accordance with the provisions of OMB Circular A- 133 , as <br /> Page 7 of 17 <br />