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' e <br /> Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG ) Program <br /> Florida Department of Law Enforcement <br /> e . The subgrant recipient shall ensure that audit working papers are made available to the <br /> Department , or its designee , upon request for a period of three (3 ) years from the date the <br /> audit report is issued , unless extended in writing by the Department . <br /> f. Subgrant recipients that expend less than $ 500 ,000 in Federal awards during a fiscal year <br /> are exempt from the audit requirements of OBM Circular A- 133 for that fiscal year. In this <br /> case , written notification , which can be in the form of the "Certification of Audit Exemption" <br /> form , shall be provided to the Department by the Chief Financial Officer, or designee , that the <br /> subgrant recipient is exempt. This notice shall be provided to the Department no later than <br /> March 1 following the end of the fiscal year. <br /> g . If this agreement is closed out without an audit , the Department reserves the right to recover <br /> any disallowed costs identified in an audit completed after such closeout . <br /> h . The completed audit report or notification of non-applicability should be sent to the following <br /> address : <br /> Florida Department of Law Enforcement <br /> Office of Criminal Justice Grants <br /> 2331 Phillips Road <br /> Tallahassee , Florida 32308 <br /> 16. Performance of Agreement Provisions <br /> In the event of default, non-compliance or violation of any provision of this agreement by the <br /> subgrant recipient, the subgrant recipient's consultants and suppliers , or both , the Department <br /> shall impose sanctions it deems appropriate including withholding payments and cancellation , <br /> termination , or suspension of the agreement in whole or in part . In such event, the Department <br /> shall notify the subgrant recipient of its decision thirty (30) days in advance of the effective date of <br /> such sanction . The subgrant recipient shall be paid only for those services satisfactorily <br /> performed prior to the effective date of such sanction . <br /> 17. Commencement of Project <br /> a . If a project has not begun within sixty (60) days after acceptance of the subgrant award , the <br /> subgrant recipient shall send a letter to the Department indicating steps to initiate the project , <br /> reason for delay and request a revised project starting date . <br /> b . If a project has not begun within ninety ( 90 ) days after acceptance of the subgrant award , the <br /> subgrant recipient shall send another letter to the Department, again explaining the reason <br /> for delay and request another revised project starting date . <br /> c. Upon receipt of the ninety (90 ) day letter, the Department shall determine if the reason for <br /> delay is justified or shall , at its discretion , unilaterally terminate this agreement and re- <br /> obligate subgrant funds to other Department approved projects . The Department, where <br /> warranted by extenuating circumstances , may extend the starting date of the project past the <br /> ninety ( 90 ) day period , but only by formal written amendment to this agreement. <br /> 18 . Excusable Delays <br /> a . Except with respect to defaults of consultants , the subgrant recipient shall not be in default by <br /> reason of any failure in performance of this agreement according to its terms (including any <br /> failure by the subgrant recipient to make progress in the execution of work hereunder which <br /> endangers such performance) if such failure arises out of causes beyond the control and <br /> without the fault or negligence of the subgrant recipient. Such causes include , but are not <br /> limited to , acts of God or of the public enemy, acts of the government in either its sovereign <br /> SFY 2006 Page 5 <br />