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Page Z of Z <br /> SPECIFIC RECOMMENDATIONS FOR YOUR INSTALLATION <br /> If there is a pressure relief valve installed at the pump sta - <br /> tion , expect periodic maintenance of it . That will include <br /> taking it apart and cleaning the surface of the plates to <br /> remove calcium and other build up . Reset the valve by tighten - <br /> ing the nut until it barely stops leaking at the normal operat - <br /> ing pressure . <br /> INSPECTIONS <br /> The pra : ii i, e inspected routinely and especially after major rainfall events . All items <br /> needing should be repaired immediately . <br /> VIOLATIONS <br /> Failure . - ; , ; L the O & M required of this practice may result in the reimbursement of <br /> Federal . L _ °. _ U dollars used for installation of this practice . <br /> CONTA r OCAL NRCS OFFICE FOR ANY ADDITIONAL TECHNICAL <br /> j ASSIST . _ . ' i., N,IIGHT NEED FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF THIS O & M PLAN FOR <br /> YOUR <br /> =, DA - <br /> May 1997 <br />