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The County Engineer requests the Board accept the ina1 plat o, <br />Winter ?each Tlighlands witnout a park area. Upon Cot,on ade L Co—, ..,,s.on(r <br />ilcCullers, seconded by Callssioner Waddell and unaniuoasly carrlid, =_nal <br />approval of Winter Beach S/D was elven with no <br />The County Ln.,ineer sad he had a request jrot tit Jtate Load oe),rt- <br />ment as to whether the sorve: for Tnftian ,Uvcr oaL2vard soald Le a,d <br />fro,. secondry or hriary road tunds. Ater so.e dz_scass.oh aid a,:oh <br />Motion :lade by Codmissiob, r secorideC Lo cLuilers <br />and unanimously carried, the Following 1<.esolat,onas adoptu: <br />Bd LT RISOLVED L te oLrd of County Co. .ss,on-rs that ,1 saivc: <br />requested L, this 7Joard e,ade bi the Stat t J.oad Jt.part,edt OL <br />for River Boulevard as detal_cd and set cLLi.n li,esoLot, O <br />this Poard adoted under date ot July 19, i,or.J, StL cu'ade LE( <br />State Load Department and chared to this co-.Int:'s secohdary roaa ih..d. <br />The survey reqaested is a centerline survey onl.) to ;Act on <br />4 <br />lines and quarter Section Lines. <br />* <br />A discussion"was held as to tearing down the _as station 0; <br />Deerfield Groves,;and upon .,.otion made by Commissioner acdona1d, seconA'2d <br />by Commissioner ic.Cullers and carried, the Loard withholds thc request <br />for tearing down the Deerfield Groves Gas Station until the State Road <br />Department advises us it is necessary. <br />PROOFOFPUBLICATION OF THE CLOSING, VACATING <br />AND ABOLISING A PART OF A PUBLIC ROAD IN <br />ORCHID ISLAND DEVET,OPMENT. <br />