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Mr. Joe Earman, Director of Civil Defense, requested that the County <br />Judge Miles Mank be appointed as Deputy Director of Civil Defense with full <br />authority to act in the event the Director is not Available. Motion was <br />Made by Commissioner Macdonald, seconded by Commissioner McCullers and <br />unanimously carried, appointing County Judge Miles B. Mank as Deputy <br />Director of Civil Defense. <br />Bob Spillman, Chairman of the Indian River County Forest Fire Pre- <br />vention Committee appeared before the Board and stated their organization <br />would like to have the use of an acre and a quarter or an acre and a half <br />of land near the fire tower in Wimbrow Park for a sample planting of <br />trees. He stated they would like to plant around 500 Fla. Splash Pine <br />and 100 Eucalyptus trees in December or January and later on plant around <br />400 more trees. He further stated that the forestry service would clear, <br />plant and do everything else on the project. Motion was made by Comm- <br />issioner McCullers, seconded by Commissioner Macdonald and unanimously <br />carried, to grant the request of the Indian River County Forest Fire <br />Prevention Committee. <br />Frank Zorc from Roseland appeared before the Board and stated that <br />during all the rain his property had been flooded and requested the County <br />give him some fill. The County explained to Mr. Zorc they have no respon- <br />sibility with drainage except as it affects County roads and therefore <br />could give him no relief. <br />The Attorney stated that Farris Bryant, Democratic°Governor Elect <br />would be in town on Friday and he would like to know what items the Board <br />would like to discuss with Mr. Bryant. The Board then discussed -several <br />items and requested the Attorn-ey prepare a memorandum to give to the <br />Democratic Nominee for Governor. <br />Harold Scott of Reynolds,_Smifh and Hills discussed the proposed <br />Flood Control Plan and stated there would be a meeting in West Palm Beach <br />with the Central & Southern Florida Control District on Friday, October <br />7th and then a meeting in Jacksonville on October the 10th with the Corp <br />of Engineers and he thought members of the Board should attend both <br />meetings. After.some further discussion, Motion was made by Commissioner <br />Hamilton, seconded by Commissioner Waddell and unanimously carried, and <br />the gollowing Resolution was adopted: <br />