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1 1 <br /> 1 ' <br /> County, located west of 27th Avenue along the Project frontage and the required drainage <br /> pipe to a lake located on the Project site . <br /> The Limits of Off-site Stormwater contributions from COUNTY right-of-way into the Millstone <br /> Landing project Stormwater Management System is depicted in Exhibit " E' . <br /> 9 . Off-site Intersection Improvements : Developer acknowledges that off-site intersection <br /> improvements at specific locations are necessary to support the traffic to be generated by <br /> this Project . In accordance with the approved Traffic Impact Analysis for the Project , the <br /> Developer agrees to the following conditions : <br /> A. No building permits for development generating more than 71 PM Peak Hour <br /> inbound trips shall be issued prior to the County or Developer letting of the contract <br /> for the 4th Street/ 27th Avenue intersection improvement , which shall include a <br /> westbound right-tum lane , northbound right-tum lane and southbound right-tum lane . <br /> This correlates to 104 single-family dwelling units . Developer's fair share cost to be <br /> contributed to said intersection improvement is $ 11 , 064 . 75 . <br /> B . No building permits for development generating more than 115 PM Peak Hour <br /> inbound trips shall be issued prior to the County or Developer letting of the contract <br /> for the 8th Street/27th Avenue intersection improvement , which shall include a <br /> westbound right-tum lane , northbound right-tum lane and southbound right-tum lane . <br /> This correlates to 177 single-family dwelling units . Developer' s fair share cost to be <br /> contributed to said intersection improvement is $8 , 105 . 49 . <br /> C . No building permits for development generating more than 136 PM Peak Hour <br /> inbound trips shall be issued prior to the County or Developer letting of the contract <br /> for the 12th Street/27th Avenue intersection improvement , which shall include a <br /> westbound right-tum lane and southbound right-tum lane . This correlates to 214 <br /> single-family dwelling units . Developer's fair share cost to be contributed to said <br /> intersection improvement is $3 , 825 . 45 . <br /> D . No building permits for development generating more than 305 PM Peak Hour <br /> inbound trips shall be issued prior to the County or Developer letting of the contract <br /> for the Oslo Road/27th Avenue intersection improvement , which shall include a <br /> westbound right-turn lane . This correlates to 319 single-family dwelling units . <br /> Developer' s fair share cost to be contributed to said intersection improvement is <br /> $ 10 , 101 . 96 . <br />