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BUDGET PAGE N <br /> A . Salaries and Benefits : <br /> For each position title , provide the amount of salary per hour, FICA per hour, other <br /> fringe benefits , and the total number of hours . Amount <br /> TOTAL Salaries N/A <br /> TOTAL FICA N/A <br /> Grand total Salaries and FICA N/A <br /> B . Expenses : These are travel costs and the usual , ordinary , and incidental expenditures <br /> by an agency , such as , commodities and supplies of a consumable nature excluding <br /> ex enditures classified as operating capital outlay (see next category) . <br /> List the item and, if applicable, the quantity Amount <br /> N/A <br /> TOTAL NIA <br /> C. Vehicles, equipment, and other operating capital outlay means equipment , fixtures , and <br /> other tangible personal property of a non consumable and non expendable nature with a <br /> normal expected life of one ( 1 ) year or more . <br /> List the item and , if applicable, the quantity Amount <br /> EZ 1/0 Drill qty 15 $ 221500 . 00 <br /> COM Monitors qty 2 $ 83000 . 00 <br /> TOTAL $ 307500 . 00 <br /> GRAND TOTAL $ 301500 . 00 <br /> DH Form 1684 , Rev . June 2002 <br />