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8/15/2016 12:16:26 PM
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9/30/2015 9:26:00 PM
Official Documents
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Conservation Fund Charitable Trust
Environmental Lands Acquisition Program
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1 . 07 Legal and Related Acquisition and Transfer Support. Throughout the process of <br /> pre-acquisition, negotiation, contracting and closing, TCF will coordinate with and assist the <br /> Program staff and County legal staff as necessary to bring transactions to a successful <br /> conclusion. TCF will prepare option and purchase agreements in the course of nego iation, and <br /> will prepare other documents relating to the transaction at the request of County legal staff. <br /> County legal staff will have the responsibility of reviewing each option or purchase agreement <br /> for compliance with law, County requirements , form and legality. County legal staf F will also <br /> have closing responsibility; however, TCF will assist in these matters in all appropri ite ways at <br /> the request of the County. TCF will provide coordination services for any transaction as to <br /> which property is to be ultimately assigned or transferred to a water management di trict or state <br /> agency. <br /> 1 . 08 Alternative Funding Sources . TCF will provide specific technical and other <br /> assistance to the County in obtaining and keeping matching or alternative sources o federal, <br /> state, water management district, regional, local government, or private funding for ine <br /> acquisition of environmental lands within the County. The County acknowledges and agrees that <br /> acquisition under any alternative funding program may require compliance with other specific <br /> non-County policies, rules , laws or procedures, and that the county will cooperate as much as <br /> possible under County rule and law to meet those other requirements . In the event alternative or <br /> matching funding is to be sought, Program staff will in each instance take the lead in applying <br /> for such funding, and TCF will provide all reasonable assistance and cooperation in that effort . <br /> 1 . 09 Communications . TCF and its Subcontractors will assist the County ' n <br /> coordinating and focusing on appropriate communications with media, County Commissioners , <br /> County staff, environmental and other community organizations, landowners and other <br /> government agencies . TCF and the Subcontractors will be available to speak at public meetings <br /> and functions, arrange media events , draft press releases, and provide other needed <br /> communications services . It is expressly agreed that any such communication is su ject to the <br /> prior approval by the County' s Authorized Representative . <br /> 1 . 10 Stewardship . TCF and its Subcontractors will develop conceptual <br /> stewardship/management plans for properties acquired or proposed for acquisition. These plans <br /> shall include such topics as management cost estimates, fire management procedure , exotic <br /> species control, restoration, monitoring, research, endangered species management, volunteer <br /> program development, and procurement of outside funding for environmental lands ' <br /> management. These conceptual plans shall also include recommendations for public <br /> access/passive recreation improvements compatible with site natural resources ; initi14l <br /> development cost and annual maintenance cost estimates for such improvements ; and funding <br /> source recommendations for such costs . Such services will be provided on an "as-n:eeded, " task <br /> order basis, and will be compensated as set forth in section 3 . 03 . Any additional stewardship <br /> work will be accompanied by a description of the services needed, in a form sufficignt to permit <br /> TCF and its Subcontractors to fully cost such services and provide the County with 1 detailed <br /> commitment as to performance of those services at the cost described in the response, Within 40 <br /> days after receipt of the task order response for such additional services, the County) will either <br /> accept or reject the cost estimate . If the County rejects the cost estimate, and TCF, the <br /> 4 <br />
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