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A letter was received from the Department of Water Resources as to <br />the status of certain drainage in Roseland. The Eoard requested the County <br />Engineer write them as to the status of this drainage ,r'oblem. <br />The County Engineer stated he had checked the . orhorsri:y <br />that it was badly in need of paint. After a great deal of discussion, <br />the Board told the County Engineer to hold off on the painting until they <br />could try to get a guardian appointed so that they might dispose of the <br />property. <br />Mr. Subrock and others appeared before the Board with regard to <br />the possibility of extending Oslo Road to the County Eine. Mr. Ed Carter <br />was also present and stated that in his opinion, although he could not <br />make a definite price, that it would cost somewhere between three and f;.vc <br />thousand dollars for a survey for Oslo Road. After a great deal of dis- <br />cussion, Motion was made by Commissioner Macdonald, seconded Ly Conzniss;cnor <br />Waddell and unanimously carried, Mr. Ed Carter was designated the re :rescr.- <br />tative of the County in the matter of locating Oslo Road intersection to <br />the Turnpike. <br />Alex MacWilliams, Sr. appeared before the Board and requested the <br />help of the County of equipment to build a road from the East shore of <br />the Indian River to Memorial Park in the Indian River. After some dis- <br />cussion, Motion was made by Commissioner Macdonald, seconded by Commissioner <br />Waddell and unanimously carried, that the County will agree to build a <br />30 foot concrete bridge to the Island in conjection with the City t;utt_n <br />in the remainder of the approaches to the Island. <br />Roland Miller appeared before the Board and stated that he had been <br />in touch with Buck Vocelle, and Buck Vocelle had requested that he get <br />the reaction of this Board to the passage of a bill creating a Special <br />Road & Bridge District to be able to build the balance of A-1-A and a <br />•bridge over the Sebastian Inlet. After some discussion in the matter, <br />the Board requested the Attorney, Sherman N. Smith, Jr. contact Buck <br />Vocelle and let him know that this Board is interested in the paving <br />of A -1-A and the bridging of Sebastian Inlet but not to the point of <br />levying additional ad valorem taxes or pledging any of our secondary <br />road funds. <br />